My everyday life.. Interesting..funny..sad..boring..little littles stuffs I would love to write.. About me.
31 May 2009
Heart Will Heal
his name is…. soul. if ppl know about him, sure will be shocked too. ..yes.. .. due to a unreasonable person, and some bloody stupidity,..
our frenship is gone. ..but.. zuan say he know in soul’s heart, me will still be his fren.
yeah.. it hurts.. i dunno if my sub conscious is trying to hide anything or what..
but.. when i first received that news,.. i was ok.. not feeling sad or anything.. but when something strikes, and i was in front of sam,.. lol.. ..oh well.. i just break down.. ..haiz… yeah.. dunno why.. cant hide in front of him. its like.. ..i dunno how to explain.. ..i think.. theres alot in me im keeping hem underwrapped. sigh.. tch… i wonder.. if me never cry in fron of him,.. would i’ve been hiding these feelings inside of me unawarely of?.. till im like.. ..getting ’sick’?
even zuan misses him too.. ..i miss soul alot.. .. sigh. .he’s really one of those few frens i could talk alot with. and i mean alot. with him ard, theres not a single long moment of silence.. … we shall see how future goes.. .. haiz..just really pity him.. .. gotta handle such a bloody girl out there…
…sigh.. oh well.. ..what to do. whats been done been done. .. heart still.. feels abit weird.. but. … well.. .. will get over it i hope. ..
hm.. well… been really sleepy like mad for the past few days.. so glad my off days starts now. its 5 days.. but lemme tell ya. its gonna feel like sooo short!!
sigh.. .. tch.. .. all i want to do on my leave.. ..i wanna relax.. be HAPPY.. thats very important.. hm.. just.. do whatever i wanna do.. ..then. oh well…
ah!!!!!!!! feel like kicking something.. or just screaming out loud.. .. its stressful man! oh yeah. .the night i cried out in font of sam, gosh! i was soooo stressful!! i can literally feel the stress inside of me! i could hardly resists my urge to punch at the big basket.. the skin on my finger peel off. but nah. no blood.. im fine. sigh.. dunno ar.. .. that nght so particularly stress.. .. i should. …learn how not to keep things inside of me eh?
alot of things to learn. but.. now im thinking of a bigger plan. in the next few months time.. .. hm.. see how everything goes ba..
gonna settle next week’s stuffs.. wonder how. .hahaha.
hm.. … ….. sigh…
duno why. … been feeling abit weird these past few days.. .. like soemthing aint right.. but could it be me thinking too much?..
jaa, mata
28 May 2009
Worn Out
hm.. cant for for this week to end. then… ..gonna do whatever i wanna do.. relax.. whatever.. shop.. whatever… just RELAX!! and cherish my time. yup.important. this is the time i can do whatever i wanna do..
..oh.. din expect that.. the management uncle was handing me this p.p’s paper notice.. and we don know each other that well.. just that i’ve been in the shop for like.. almost 3 yrs? and maybe he keep seeing my face there.. so he say to me ytd.. ‘you getting thinner?’ he was holding up one of his indicate that i look like that. hahaha. hm… i dunno man.. i’ve been eating.. or did i?.. ..
hm.. been a very tired day.. cos of ytd..… … cooked curry with sammy today.. ..taste great. simple dish. but great. :)
sammy told me that afew kids were checking me out ytd. for me, im like.. …i just feel its so.. ..really3.. …weird… -_- imagine you’re just standing somewhere.. be it alone or with frens.. and god knows what kind of ppl are checking ya out.. or going through their minds.-_- …gosh. .sounds so eerie.. .. its just that.. dunno.. i cant imagine if someone is looking at me.. checking me out when i do not even know. -_-
hm.. ..sigh.. i dunno man. .i got a weird feeling.. .. as though.. ..something is gonna happen. …i don feel good now.. :(.. ..just so.. .. worry.. …. sigh.. … time is running out.. .. hey. .gonna keep this blog short k.. ..gotta settle something else.. hm..
…sigh…….. i feel terrible! i dunno why!
26 May 2009
Junky Dizzy
gosh!! wanted to faint!!! XD! lol...
never eat properly!! sooo thats why extra tired.. and dizzy.. ..huu.. but me just ate instant noodles.. hope will feel better bah.. cos been having junk food in early aftnoon. like.. choco bubble tea.. potato chips.. and choco bar.. -_- gosh.. din realised.. ..then few hours later, tummy really3 not good.. huu... :( then just bear with it.. and asap reach home eat noodles.. whoa.. hope feel better now..
lo! kkk... syah.. this is for ya.. hi syah! he wan me to blog about him. kk.. syah's a nice person... hm.. remember that 'taken' dvd hor.. XP
hm.. if.. me get transfer out how.. ...
.. hm.. nvm. .wait till it happen.. then.. .hm..
oh, raz bought me a dress! but im sooo gonna pay him bac k no matter what! cos me was talking about this dress near the busstop.. then thinking wanna buy anot.. then he say he go check it out for me.. then he came bac k with that.. and say no need to pay him back. nonetheless, im gonna try to check the prce out, and pay back. its so not right for me to accept it.
huu.. tmr.. working with that auntie one on one again.. -_- sigh.. just hang on bah.. .another auntie told me today... ..actually can learfn alot2 from her wan.. ...well.. ..
.. .. dunno la
aw.. ytd sam was so sick! slpt for so long.. then tummy not good.. :( so me kept vigil
by his side.. don really dared to touch him.. cos he's feeling so uncomfy.. huu.. me really hope today he's much better..Now. he's heading out today.. so.. ..hope without the rest.., he's still gonna be alrite.. ..
kk.. ..think.. still feeling abit weak.. but. .should get better soon.. should be.. .just wanna take a rest before washing up..
... ..i wonder.. ..if i should keep my words.. ..cos.. .. doesnt seems that ppl are telling me everything too u know. ..
23 May 2009
Angel Or Devil
omg.. my head hurts sooooo much on fri night! till wanna burst! then in the moning when i woke up, im ok already.. ..but the moment i see that aunie milo, omg.. my head hurts allll the way till night!! can u belive that!? -_- but... amazingly.. thought not that surprisingly.., seeing sammy makes such a huge difference. my head heals instantly. ..:)
theres not a single smile shown on my face at all throughout the morning im working with her. but!!! thats when syah came in, and sort of relived me!! he gib me my First smile and laughter of the day!!!! i cant name all of them. but that day, alot of ppl can tell i look so sad... hm. actually i don feel that sad.. ..just.. feeling down.. ..and.. hm.. .. yeah.. very down.. anyway, thx syah! even for tha mere 1 hour,.. its enough already. .to let my smile come back.. and..
2nd half of the night. was very good. cos im all back to myself.. cos im working with my own ppl.
oh.. this is so scary... that auntie ask me to.. kk.. no complains or whatsoever,., im doing my job.. k, me was tip toeing on the top of the ladder!! it was so scary! becos i couldnt concentrate on looking down, and balancing myself...! for a very good reason... -_- i was tip toeing.. trying to tie this wire thingy.. onto the pipe on top of my shop.. its 2 decor thingy.. and.. hm.. yeah... tip toe all the way just to tie it carefully.. ..gosh... ...thats scary.. c os i can only concentrate on that wire.. if i look down, im so gonna be up there further more. but. .well, i made! it! and im alive!
hm... .... tch.. ..i dunno.. ..sigh.. im wondering man.. ... partime job.. or fulltime job is better.. hm. ..gosh... ..... tch... haiyo!!!! nvm.. need a few months to sort things out. .. ...huu.... .i wonder if its gonna work.. ..
tonight.. will be working withe that auntie again.. ..maybe she's right.. ..just get used to the hardwork for now,.. and everything will settle down to places.. .. sammy is asking me to scold her or fight back and stuff..
hm.. i know. .that might be the right thing.. ..but.. when i think of others,.. ... i cant that man.. ..i duno.. ..would i be so rude then? i hate to be rude..or to be a nasty person. but when im angry..or something disturbs me,.. yeah.. ...then.. ..XD ha. no choice. i'll burst. like a volcano. and its very3 scary.. very3 bad... hm.. come toe think of it.. lucky zuan never kena from me before he go! XD only a few ex staffs saw that.. that other side of me. so different.. cant imagine i'll be a person like that. but i can be. only when my anger is trigger.
...i guess... almost every evil person got a dark and evil side to them.. ..i guess... ... mine is just locked up.. .. unleashed by the circumstances and ppl.... hm.. like for those crystal jade guys who love o disturb ppl.. day.. who knows. maybe
will kena from me eh?.. wonder.. will i gonns scold them.. ..
its really Not in my blood to retaliate..
but.. ..ohw ell.. im learning ok! XD as a goody two shoes person..
not easy k! life gotta suffers sometimes. ..
kk, gotta get ready for work soon.
tonight no bloggy..
22 May 2009
Hate My Job
omg! having a very bad headache now. ... alot of things happened.. and the last blog.. ..i remember alot of things happened too..
.... sigh.. really cant remember what happen.. ... what else i'd type.. .. ..think theres one part me mention about shah wanna work at my shop.. .... ... what else... ... argh....... i cant remember... but i know i type alot.. about.. personal matters i think.. and other stuffs..
..sigh.. anyway, i just received some bad news.... ..very upset now.. ..the letter i received.. ..dun really know whats that about.. ..but.. i don give a *amn.
but... raz say that someone really dislike me.., give me a shock.
cos... how long did that person know me!? not even a week! wth???!
this kind of matter better don bother. thats the best. i know. but.. having to face it everyday??? c'mon!! thats another matter!! ..:( im soooo upset.. really cant wait for few months to end... huu.... long.. ..:(
..actually... ytd was happy.. cos even though my boss put pressure on me to hit more than that auntie's sales that day.. and i hit it more than enough. ..
..tmr.... sigh.. really no mood for work... gotta face that auntie... ..tmr.. .. so wish to see sammy... sigh... .. my heart's breaking now.. ...dunno how can i hold on to that job for another few months..
ha.. my mum just ask me not to anyhow play this type of net thingy. .got bad ppl wan.. ..ha. ..she know too huh ?.. oh well..
... ....
i hate my job... ... i hate it... so stress. :(... ... huuu......
tmr. .. how am i gonna survive... .... ...shoot!..... ...
mata17 May 2009
Long Time Supervisor
oh yeah.. to my frens in frenster
, if wanna add me up in Facebook, heres my add:
hahaha.. its so interesting.. i was so surprised that my frens managed to get the hard questions about who i am correct.. its a 6 questions quiz about me.. and.. wow.. haha... they know me more than i do to them i think. XD hahaha. so interesting.. hammy and i was thinking of doing another one.. this time, heh. longer. perhaps 10 questions or more. XD oh well.. see how bah.. ..funny
hm. .today.. went to town after work.. very3 tired now.. huu.. today dunno why.. like all energy gone.. me cant wait to rest.. and theres new schedule..:( sigh.. ...dunno me can hang on anot..
today... ...dunno why things abit weird since morning.. maybe its just me?.. ...i dunno... ...did i think too much?.. something really bothers me alot.. ...but.. ..i duno.. i tihnk im thinking too much about it.. thus.. ..making things abit more..
oh.. .duno.. if in case sammy's reading this,... really2 sorry if make ya upset..
:( din mean to.. never wish to.. im soooo sorry.. and me feel really3 bad.. :( sorry.. ..
hm.. ...tmr... my first official day working with her.. .. dunno since when im consider as a supervisor by the bosses.. maybe.. been a year more already?.. dunno.. but..
with 2 ppl working ard.. i wonder who's gonna go who's way.. ..yeah.. ..abi serious int his matter.. .. no wodner.. come to think of it.. my boss ross always say to me.. 'you have to instruct them to do this..that.. you're the supervisor there.. must tell them. not ask them..' blah3... but that time me was like.. err... ok... ..did he mention supervisor?..-_- nah.. think he mistaken. but it was till mr 'G' appearance then me know what they're thinking.. -_-
argh.. anyway, tmr.. wish me best of luck.. huu.. supposed to off sia.. ..anyway.. well... just gotta hang on.. cant wait for my off!!!
mata...16 May 2009
Love Shapes All Around :)

ok... so... malaysia got their first swine flu case.. my fren raz, is heading there today. -_- i was liked.. hey! don u dare get that, and pass it on to us! XD he's working tmr u know. ha. ..can this be consider as risky? XD gosh.:P
anyway,this morning, zuan was outside storeroom.. me in storeroom.. i wasx talking to him face to face.. then the power ranger toy suddenly 'talk'..
thats a power ranger talking toy. ..we look at each other, and zuan turn to his back and give the toys a punch. the rangers are behind him. ..very weird case... -_-
and so.. at night me talk to mery about it. after talking about this, she frighteningly ask something about the rangers.. and something dropped!! and she let out a high scream!
gosh.. her sc ream scares me sia.. XD ha. but anyway.. aint that double weird eh?.. ha. hmm... i wonder.. what happen ar.. any explanations?..
mr 'G' drop by my shop today.. i am sooo glad he's here! cos he helped me make up my mind about a hard decision i gotta made. anyway, we talked quite abit.. then blah3.., as he knew there's gonna be a new supervisor here,.. he say.. then how to handle and work together in the shop when there's 2 supervisors ard? i was like.. pause.. think.. then tell him.. but im not ar.. he say yes i am. im consider as one. then i was like... -_- so... thats how they've been thinking of me eh?.. supervisor?.. for so long? gosh.. -_- forget it.. me don wanna think for now.
they wanna treat me as one, so be it. argh..
ah... ytd.. kena tricked by sam! XD me was playfully trying to squeeze my hand into his elbow.. then my 2 fingers go into a rabbit ears shape.. and me go.. 'Moo~~ Moo~~'.. and went through his elbow 'hole' there..inside. then he say do that again. i thought he wanted to squeeze together his arm my hand cant go in.. so me do that again.. but eh? easy ar.. how come i wonder.. then he say.. so that again.. and i tried again.. same.. moo~~2.. then i was like how come so easy get through.. like. .he's not making it hard for me.. all this time me din realised that he was laughing! me no look at his face all the way! XD then me finally look up, and find him laughing! then i realised.. he was just trying to see me how i moo2~~ into his arm!! XD! omg. .like kena tricked sia.. XP haha.. so silly me.. bleahx.
ytd, wow.. amazing.. i found soo many love shapes! at tampiness..sammy saw one.. me missed it.. at my kitchen floor.. at my workplace. suddenly appeared this paper shape of love! its from my stocks plastic or something.. none of my rens purposely tear or cut it into love shape! then near kallang busstop also have one big one on the floor!! but me only saw it like.. one sec. hm.. dunno why.. so many natural love shapes appeared.. ..whoa.. (LOOK AT THE PICS ABOVE)
jaa, mate. :)
15 May 2009
New Staff - RAZ
hmm.......... very3 sleepy... abit stress.. but.. seems like someone is even more stress than me. but glad me there with him..
oh well........
...thinking something.. ..i wonder if its fair.. or.. .there isnt such thing.. .. anyway... ....isnt all talks thats been forgotten just so darn irritating? i hate that. ppl who's been reading since day 1 here(in my frenster blog) should know.
that time.. .. he say wanna bring me along.. then go together club.. then now say.. no.. not bringing me.. cos alot of guys there.. then another time.. say.. nvm.. he wont go.. thennow say.. he's going tmr night.. nvm.. wanna go just go.. but.. come i feel like.. its ONE TALK THEN ANOTHER. ..thats what.. making me feel upset..
huu.. sleepy.. but.. not that sleepy.. i think.. mind's tired..
i really wish i have break now... been working for almost 3 years.. and.. with things going on like this.. the longest break i got is only 1 week. and thats last year.
sigh... this is part of life.. what to do ne. i wasnt born with a golden spoon in my mouth ya know.
argh.. what am i thinking now.. forget it. just need to keep myself really Focus
in work, and get through tmr. just stay... ..focus. dun wanna lost in thoughts.
oh.. a new staff.. name's razali. from now on i'll be seeing him more than izuan. time to change.. huu... :( anyway, surprisingly, he can speak abit of chinese! and its pretty ok. yes.. he's muslim.. but XD ha. oh well.. he's very chinese actually. he himself said so. chinese food.. tv shows.. u name it, he like it. ha. but really cant tell. hm.. he... .. he's someone like zuan.. like those freaky2 type of things.. can tell he got groups of ppl hanging ard with.. u know..
like a bunch of erm.. ..yeah. lots of frens hanging ard in shopping centre. he say in vivo city, on top.. hm.. dunno rof top of whatever, that place is his 'area'. meaning he and his frens always hang out there.. their 'space'. then me joke.. ha. .k.. next time if im there, i wanna go past that area, i'll bring his photo along.. and tell tghem i know raz. XP wahaha. joking. :P anyway, he's a nice person though.
usually if theres ppl hanging ard in a group trying to act cool.. that kind of ppl, i don like them at all. but i guess, well.. in his case, he prove to be quite a nice person. hm.. ..yes.. i know.. not everyone hanging ard in a group and smoking are detestable ppl.. ok.. he is a very2 good example. haha.
huu.. then i was like. .how come even him also know basic chinese.. XD he speak abit more fluently than soul. but soul understand more chinese words.. as he's been to attend chinese class. lol.. that day.. was telling vivian that me wanted to learn jap.. then she say soul also mention of learning jap! XD lol. i was like.. omg. true anot! think he say2 only! hahaha.
..its really nice to be by someone's side when they're feeling down and stress.. when im down and stress,.. usually all i do is to blog.
sound so poor thing..? ha. .nope.. a feeling tmr.. my boss might come down.. .. if he do,.. hm.. nvm.. if he wanna scold again, then scold ar.. will give me the heart to quit i hope..
..speaking of that.. .. im really thinking hard now. .if i do wanna do that in future, i must clear my one week leave now!
its already 15th of may.. if don ask now.. will be too late! huu.. but then.. whats my decision?..
omg.. i cant make up my mind.. :( very confused.....
mata14 May 2009
He Say Guys Are Truly So Stupid When It Comes To Love

hm... very3 sleepy.. again.. fell aslp in bus.. argh.. hate it! XD almost missed my stop! phew..
oh.. here.. look at this pic.. does he look like naruto?
hahaha... he ar... wanted me to take this pic.. then like.. wanna laugh.. XD so funny.. hm.. so gonna miss him alot when he's gone from my outlet..
was asking my fren about how long one can stay overseas for holiday.. then he ask me if wanna go thai.. or malaysia.. ard sep.. im like thinking... ..erm.. what?..
i.... don think so... dunno.. don feel safe.. .. but in anycase, im not interested in those places anyway. ha.. skaly really gonna happen like in the movie 'taken'. XD nah... me will be fine.
oh.. the delifrance manager tell me and azza something really funny. he's a very funny man. haha. oh yes. azza drop by today.
ha.. long story.. then he was there.. telling us about his love life.. how he called his wife at home.. 'girl girl'. cos they dated for so long. :) and how he and his wife started dating when they're 20 yrs old.. then
got marriied at age 28. then now had a 3 yrs old kid. azza ask him something.. then he say.. every relationships got rocks and aint smooth.. his own one also. but its communications thats important.. he say gotta communicate. but i think compromise too. ha. .he look really happy now. :) very funny guy. follow by. he say.. guys are really3 Stupid in relationships.. love. he say its really3 true. lol! thats why u always see girls so stress.. and upset. guys dont. hahaha! XD azza say everything he say is so true about the guys. :P he say.. guys if u ask him to go all the way to do this or that for a fren, he'll do it. but when comes to love and stuffs, guys don know anything. XD thats why girls will think.. why he like that.. i love him so much.. but he don appreciate.. then think3.. will think even more to the worse.. and anyhow imagine.. about negative thoughts. aw.. sad right?
ha. thats why he say girls will stress. but guys don. cos they're very stupid! don know anything about love.. lol. he's so funny.. hm... well... i do not know about all those guys stupid part... azza say its soo true.. hm.. yes.. i think.. ..perhaps guys really aint that sensitive when being compare to girls.. but still, me trust that there're still guys out there who's thoughtful, and sensitive..till the point of exceeding girls'.
well what to do, perhaps most girls are born to be sensitive. guys don, who can we blame?
ha. :P
ah... finnaly he's done with scdf.. ha. happy for him. :) congrats sam. :) hope he learns lots there.. hm.. time really flies.. and now he's heading back soon...
13 May 2009
Ain't Boring After All
ok.. my last blog.. cos thought would be out all alone.. so would be boring.. ..but nope! ^^ end up having a very longgg day! haha. yay. :P
first.. me went to ps.. luckily never ask any fren out. then about to head home early.. when last min decided to meet my bro at queensway. then we go ikea.. then.. sammy called.. saying can meet up. not a whole day out.. so.. thats a good thing! :) went to meet up.. then.. have a really nice walk around.. fooling ard as usual.. ^^ haha. so.. yeah.. basically i had a long day.. from ps.. to ciyhall, to bedok.. then to kallang again. hahaha. but i like it. :) one whole week's time, me really enjoyed alot. had fun. :) happy. very happy. love the ppl ad me...
hm.. but today, sigh.. what i thought is a small surprise, turn out to be a disappointment.. deleted an old msg... ...and recorded a news one.. but.. he doesnt like it.. so.. ..oh well.. my fault.. ..
my boss... for months he kept praising my shop that its very well done.. even at the meeting too. and now, suddenly wanna issue me a warning letter that my shop is so messy. c'mon!! who kept giving us soooo many new stocks when my shop is sooooo super small!! even any human being can tell!! but i don care about the letter./ for whether he give anot. even mansoo also cant understand why he did that! sigh... i guess mansoo is the only person there who could do something to help us..
sigh.. zuan would be leaving my shop end of this week.. :( sad... ..then would have new staffs.. think. .tmr also. a new partimer. hm..
..tch... ...i really cant wait to hang on till end of july... ..if everything really go as plan,.. ..i really look sam up back in aust.. but.. dunno.. whether everything can go smoothly.. as in time.. whether he's real busy and stuff. but me don mind though.. if... morning.. check the place out.. or just take pic of buses..XD(lol).. then night before slp.. 101% sure must look at night sky. ah.. stars... ^^ don care! if freezing cold, so be it! haha. XD ..sounds nice huh?.. ..well... never get to enjoy this kind of thing ever in my life.. ...i wonder if thats gonna come true... ..regrets though... ....i do not have the power to bring my family along... :( how i wish mum can have a look at the outside world.. .. she never been to outside.. :( a big regret for me.. ...
oh... was discussing alot about lappy stuffs with sam just now.. gosh. i hope things will go well.. hm.. then.. hm... gotta check the total cost.. and stuff.... then.. hm.. oh well... for the job part... ..omg. XD after spending so much money, makes me wonder.. should still quit?.. ..XD i think so.. ..but... .... ...oh well!! lets jus take one step at a time.. and see how thigns will turn out when new staffs reports!
im so gonna hang on.. at least till end of august..or something..
hm.. fri.. cant wait!..
mata ne!
10 May 2009
Boring Off Day
hmm…… very bored….. rare off day… ..its.. a cloudy day.. drizzling abit.. ..nice day to slp in.. rest.. i know i know… but.. hm.. tch.. dunno.. today feel so bored.. right after typing, me gonna prepared to head out. dunno why today feel like going to so many places. but.. i dunno… hm… haven thought of what to do.. hmmm…… … on msn now abit..
very5……… bored………… -_- ….. so boring…….. thoughtg can spend the day with sammy.. cannot. cannot stay at home and rest. theres so much things to do out there. hm.. today should be a day without sammy bah. so… well… can do anything bah.. hm…..
ok…. ..since sammy say if i go out, i must be finding something…. …hm.. actually today aint the case.. but.. well, since he put it that way, might as well make it come true. ha. now hows that. hm….
oh well then.
…gotta think of some plans.. then head out asap.
sigh… very6 darn boring off day… -_- soooooo sianz.
09 May 2009
hm.. lets see.. .finally got my days of off.. to rest.. today.. will be resting too bah.. :) its....
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! yay!! hehehe.... so happy and looking forward to later! gonna have a surprise for my um! and dad too. :D We're gonna be having KFC! hehe. mother's day special. gonna free a ladies bag actually.. but a pity out of stocks.. so.. oh well.. nvm. but cant wait to see the look on mum's face later! ^^ wahaha. :P
yes.. my bro and i planned this.. cos mum really hate us to buy anything for her. all she wanted the most is just a treat. that all. a bowl of noodles or what. hm. .wonder if she's gonna make noise later huh.. XD sure gonna ask how much we pay.. haha. oh well.. but don care.. want her to get something better! its a special day u know. hehe. :)
hm.. ytd.. ..let's see.. walk for quite a distance.. finding a shop.. then..
watched a movie.. ..then... head back home.. .. nice.. :) ha.. sleepy at night though.
hm.. today.. will be better. and tmr too. ^^ deshio? hehe
ah... ^^ took some sweet nice photos and video.. hoho... :P
...ytd.. kena 'slam'
buy that boss of mine. very3 sic k and tired of this.. sigh.. no matter how he say.. what how he like me personally as a person,.. seriously when it comes to work, the things he said, its so.. ..unreasonable. and i hate that.
..sigh.. angry. ..
what to do. not gonna let it spoiled my mood for today.
kk, gonna go rush and bath then head out soon!!
07 May 2009
Disappointed! Argh!
o...k... there're more and more overseas ppl in singapore now.. mostly for work.. got phillippinos.. china.. even usa.. aust.. canada.. german.. blah.. alot of them are from school attachments. nice eh? alot of my staffs here are like that. alot gone back.. sad.. but new ones coming.. they just keep coming..
yes.. dozes off in bus just now again..-_- why so sleepy!!! argh... ..anyway, today aint a good day man.. sigh.. disappointments.. shocking news all ard.. job.. life.. gosh.
i dunno mazn,. .it might be a perfect time or excuse to leave this job of mine if 'that' thing happen. ..we'll see eh?.. ..
today zuan brought his lappy along.. we uses it whole day.. good thing to have that ins hop.. ha.. he left it there tonight. -_- gosh.
fren's freen is working for something like a freelance model thingy.. telling me should go try out cos me got the looks. -_- -_- ..whatever. but anyway, that kind of job, need to bring along your own clothes i think.. think.. maybe includes lingerie too.. bikini as well.. ok... bikini..fine.. but lingerie?.. XD can you imagine if me wears that and take pics right in front of so many ppl? -_-.. k, don even imagine!! but then again... as i grow up... ..u know.. this kind of thing, i don mind venturing into. sound so brave. -_- argh
hm..... tch......... feels like. .there're problems within me.. tch.. very frustrated.
sigh................ so tired..... :( huu...
hm... my fren keep asking me to accompany him go club.. ..should i?.... but.. haiyo...! really3 dunno!
mata..06 May 2009
today, as expected, fell aslp in bus again.. but nope.. this im safe.. no nearly fall aslp on someone else's shoulder. phew.. still one more night to go.. gosh... sureeeee gonna slp again!! huu.. so hate that...
hm.. really cant wait to end tmr's day.. cant wait!!!
hm.. thazt time.. ..during the.. ..very. .emotional talk with sam,.. say me till as if im like an angel sia..
..everything he said about me done for him,..changed his life.. thats what happen to me too.. so... the way he said it,.. gosh.. no la!! XD me no angel! paiseh!! but feel like as if.. i drop out of nowhere.. and 'save' him.. well, at least thats what happen to me. he just.. ..appeared out of nowhere.. ..brighten up the world... .. ..yes.. and alot more... .. :) of the reason i really hate that
korea boss of mine, and my job,.. is.... the fact that i have to pretend to agree with him!!
i HATE being like that! hate to pretend! also dislike it when see my frens agree with him.. and gotta say sorry, or yes3... blah3.. hate that man. but what to do. he's our boss. ..argh... i really hate myself for doing that! .. sigh....
oh no... jme forgot about the model thingy!! XD the person called me! but thank goodness me got an excuse to get it off. my boss there ar.. thats why. otherwise if u want me to lie on the spot, sorry, i sucks at it. cant!! omg... dunno what to tell her... ..huu... cant think now.. tired, and cant be bother to. XD hm... see tmr how.. omg.. gotta come up with a decision fast..
today lots of things to do.. been busy from beginning till end of work these few days..
hm.. k.. gotta go.. tired ar..
mata.05 May 2009
Shoulder Bump
hm.. ytd was abit funny.. when
things gets busy, im speaking to the china staff in english.. then to non chinese customers, in chinese. then she also. haha. a few times it happen. XD cos we're like turning our heads.. speaking to each other, then to customers.. cos she's asking me some toy stuffs..
...tch.. sigh.. omg. no mood to type. lazy bah..
....argh........... moody...-_-
hm.. oh.. so paiseh.. omg. my shoulders are were like touching abit to the guy next to me when we're in the bus!! dunon how many times. >_< we stop at the same stop somemore! omg... cos i doze off again! omg.. thought me had enuff slp this aftnoon.. but still.. sigh.. sleepy.. -_- not yet recover.. anyway, i do not know how many time i didx that.. but.. gosh.. that guy must be frighten eh?.. sooo glad my head din fall
onto his shoulder. -_- haiyo... i hope i wont ever bump into him again in that bus!>_<
hm... tch.... feeling really slpy.. ..bored... and.. ...just down..
very2 sianz.....
sigh....... i hope chan's fren can help out.. either him or chan will be back in p.p i hope... cos do not wish to change my schedule.. ..:(
sigh... hate this job.
..heard one of the office staff went overseas for holiday.. on 2 weeks leave.. ..ii na... ...
04 May 2009
B***S*** Meeting

haha... yes.. finally me uploaded these p;ics.. neo prints.. my family and childhood frens.. ha. .let my family members each keep one of the different design neo print in their wallet. me as well. :P
hm... ...sleepy.. knock out in the bus just now.. ... but gonna slp late tonight.. me
need to settle my stuff.
omg.. din expect to bump into jeff in the prints shop today. so long nvr talk to him. haha. funny as ever. think he's using the same phone as me. ha.. :P everytime i see someone uses the same phone as me, its a guy. hm.. wonder.. have i seen a woman use it before..yet?.. anyway, very few ppl using that. so.. yup. me happy. :) haha... me no like common things. :P
hmmm......... this morning aint good at all... bloody disturbing to the core.
kena a small 'lecture' by my korea boss for plain NOTHING!!
i talk to him with respect and gentle, and super nicedly, he say don talk Bulls**t with him. that kind of talk is bulls**t. wth man????!! he never eat breakfast ar?? early in the morning find fault with me!!! what bulls**t here and there???! i din say anything wrong k!! wth... angry like... argh!! im starting to hateeeee this job soo much!!
luckily today no stocks.. phew.. sooooo many new stocks u know!!! can die sia.. huu.. very stress.. alot5 of things to do..and handle.. :( me not happy.. so stress woking there. .tons of work loads..
hm.. then.. after meeting,.. me received a surprised call. thought its fitri. but turn out to be a fren of mine never meet so long. last time i saw him, was like.. hm..... more than a year ago? riding his bike to go eat. omg. soo long. and me remember he said wanna change his bike.. well, so me asked him today. and he say yes. few months back he changed. ha. he really did it eh? but.. he sounded so different! hm.. weird ar.. he called out of a sudden.. ha.
hmm... relief alittle..bit. mansoo told me that he told my boss about what happen about the schedule thing.. mansoo is working in oub. he and ross our boss..quite ok ba.. anyway, me told him about it. and he told ross. he explain to him how allan the new so called 'supervisor cum manager' keep changing and having probs with our schedule. and how he loves to pushes blames onto others.
he told him about how allan ask me to do everything for the schedule promo and shop.. then when after me make changes, me DID Fax the whole thing to him. but allan din tell him!
then he pushes the blames on me! then mansoo told ross how he Scolded me for Nothing becos of him! ross that time say me anyhow makes changes Without informing anyone! and me sooo glad mansoo help me out here. really thx him.. then masoo say after he told him the truth, ross just stand there.. dunno surprised or what.. then said nothing ba.. ..
bloody idiot.. that day make me cry like mad. hate these ppl. ....argh
... sigh.....
i dunno what to do in life sometimes.. ..
hm... so weird.. hammy's keys are left behind in our shop.. she say she never put it there... so weird... ... ah!! forgot to ask ross about the boy playing with ball!! nvm. .me try asking his wife tmr. she coming to work with me. ha. oh well
oh... finally.... suddenly my impression of that very irritating guy at photo shop ard my work place changes a tiny3 very tiny bit for the better. ha.
me saw him giving the china old lady a packet of twisties.. but already open up la.. still,.. he pushes the packet to her.. asking her to have it. so.. hm..... ok. maybe my bad?.. he aint that bad ba..
..nah. ha ...heard from my fren.. that my fren's fren,.. got this LDR.. hm.. they.. been together for 3 yrs.. then got separate cos of the other party gotta go overseas. then its been a year since one of the other party went overseas.., and they're still together. they gotta be separate from his or her love.. so its a LDR(long distance relationship) and they're still together.. so.. hm.. total 4 years already right?.. then my fren say.. and they're planning to get married already.. ..then say.. aw.... so sweet right.. ..indeed.. sweet ne.. ... happy for them. ha. though me don know them.
oh.... ha.. was working with vivian our china staff today. she's so fun to tlak with. :) can talk alot with her. and thus the time passes so fast. :)
she's very nice. she's with ehr bf for 7 yrs already!! XD! thats why she don mind coming to singapore to work , while her bf still in china. me ask her about marriage.. she say yes.. will be getting married over there when she's back. haha. aw.. poor thing.. she loses alot of weight since she's here.. for about.. 4months already i think. but she look better now. saw her older pic mah.
hm.. oh well.... ...... me wonder if sam fall alsp now or what... but cant call bah... ... wanna ask him about dream!! huu....!! :( sad!! :(
sigh................... see how later bah.. .. got a feeling he wont reply my msg. anyway, me gotta go off soon and settle my stuff.
03 May 2009
(Best) Friends Can't Be Trusted Sometimes
been so sleepy these few days.. today worse..
like ytd.. cant even think that clearly.. was talking about cooffee with zuan and ham.. then wanna say starbucks coffee very expensive right.. $500 plus... -_- then we laugh.. me wanted to say $5 plus.. haha. drink alone not fun anyway. ha.
phew.. at least tonight not going for any movie.. cos too many ppl cant make it. and tmr.. gosh.. meeting at 9Am, then work all the way till 9.30pm. gosh.. im sooo gonna be extra3 tired..
sales.. been not so good these few days.. .. hm.. ytd.. my boss called.. and ask me.. is there any boy playing around with a ball in my shop.. and ham go check.. ..
but.. strangely enough, no boy playing with ball ar. then he say.. ok,.. nvm... soooo weird!! tmr.... maybe if theres any chance, i'll try to ask him what happen... ...mystery man... .. hmm... ha
oh,.. today theres this indian couple.. the wife came to the counter.make payment.. then look straight at my face, and speak in their language to her husband.. then her husband lift up his head, and look at me too. then mumble2..dunno what between each other. yes. they're talking about me..
but about what? hm.. think..... maybe its about my eyes?.. ha. funny.
wow.. hammy say its her best job so far.. our work place.. she say. .seriously.. its really the best job ever. :) hee. me glad she love this job. and say like that. :) but then again.. thats becos.. she no stress.. partimer.. no need to handle anything much. only fulltimers get all the stress. sigh.
hm.. ...was talking about some best fren destroying relationships topic today.. ... how can best frens, or frens say something, then the partner belive
, and break up just like that. sooo stupid!
but one of the case,.. aw.. so sweet.. things like that happened, but the guy found out the truth, and they patches things up, and now they've been together for 4 years. :)
so sweet ne. hee.
hm.. ..well.. ..i guess its all up o tghe partner.. ppl can say all and whatever they want.. no matter how hurtful and power that is,.. .. its all up to the partner's Trust. .. Thats the key.. .i guess.. ..overall,.. partners are the ones who spend most of their time with.. whether or not the other party done something wrong,.. its up to them to decide if they're the sort of ppl who'll do whatever let down thing. only the partners know their own partners.. other ppl don. cos they don know them as well as you do. trust your own feelings.. don let ppl mislead (misguide) you..
hm.. sooo hungry now!! huu.. tmr.. gotta wakey sooo early! .. hm.. k, me gotta rush and do my stuff.
mata ne!Romantic
hm… where should i start… ..i blog this on.. thurs. but post it here today.(sat)
well…. …hm… lets talk about.. how this kind of thing happen again.. ha, i was so engrossed in defeating the boss in my psp game,.. that i totally was so tensed up! haha. and when i finally defeated the boss, i was sooo happy till i lift up my head, and hit the back on my head! me in train somemore! XD then me let out a ‘ouch!’ .. omg.. paiseh.. XD!
hm.. was watching wolfverine the movie with sam.. …ha.. before the movie starts, the cinema was playing some really2 romantic songs.. then.. was talking.. ..then.. some heartfelt words were being let out.. the atmosphere is so.. hm.. ..emo? ha.. ..anyway.. .. we’re talking,, and.. me.. end up not looking up at his face.. ha… really cant.. ..dont dare to look at him.. heartfelt words being said.. ….the atmospere easily can led me to tears drop.. ha….oh well..
oh.. ..then.. ….hm.. ..finally got the date of when he’s leaving… …its so fast.. ..and……. …
i knew this day is coming.. ..been trying to prepared myself when he revealed this to me.. ..still.. ..ha. ..well.. tears cant stop flowing out. …its useless to prepare such thing.. ..futile..
the next morning, i woke up,… ..seriously..i thought it was a nitemare.. ..but it didnt took me long enough to come back to my senses.. everything words that been said,.. was real.. ..he’s still leaving.. i……………….. …been cherishing him since day one.. i swear by my words.
kk…. ..enough about this upsetting matter k?.. ..whoa.. wanna cry alrready.. but cannot la! me at his house now blogging!! gosh.. gotta control. even at work also.. i cant be left alone.. even for a moment.. will start thinking.. then.. eyes will get so teary. ..haiyo! .. hope will be fine soon.. … …ha.. ..who am i kidding.. ..
hm.. weird… suddenly 2 frens of mine who aint close to me, send me gdnite msg. so weird ne. ha. then today reen gimme a call. and.. .so funny. point is, this will happen once in a while.. suddenly out of nowhere no reason, ppl come back to contact me. ppl ikm not close funny! XD
hm… lets see…. …went to bugis today.. ..searching for sammy’s shirt.. ..then.. went to eat at mof. jap restaurant.. food’s very normal..but the ice cream. mm… can watch out for that.
hm.. i hope hammy know what she’s doing.. ..and syah.. dunno what happen to his relationship
..oh.. ..ha.. had great nites. comfy..sweet..great.. ..ha.
k, i gotta head to other websites.. dun wanna bug on this lappy too long. ha.
mata ne.