omg..... XD! now look at that.. so scary dude! hahaha.. was taking pics with ham.. then thought of taking a scary pic since this frame got the words 'cmoming soon'. reminded me of that thai horor movie. hahaha.. so i took... wah.. like a vengeful female ghost sia.. XD actually theres another even more freaky one..
but i deleted it already.. that one really scary.. XD haha. even ham also say so!
ah... me enjoying me new frenster blog page.. ^^ cos.. cos put photo albums and add some stuffs into it.. hehe. so much better than blogspot now.
me falling sick.. huu... got runny nose.. throat dry.. :( huu.... i hope tmr will be better....hopefully..
hm. .tmr.. alot of things to do...
then working with a new staff somemore... haiz.. what to do. .slowly do bah...
ahh... read this in yahoo's mail.. found out that my birthday...., actually its the solar eclipse
day!! haha. and dunno will come true anot.. my birthday, tsunami? -_-
ha.. nah.. don really think tsunami's really befall on my b'day. :P but eclipse huh.. hm.. 8.30am to 9.30am.. me so gonna wakey and watch it!! my birthday after all mah.. heh.
ahh... found my book.. hehe... monday so gonna go collect it. :)
hm.. work was fine... ... then.. at the end of the day,.. was looking through the net with ham.. looking at blogspot clothes.. and blah3... dunno why.. me not interested to find other ppl's blog and read.. only my frens then me read. but.. only 2 frens blog. haha. :P so... yup.
huu.. tmr... so dread it.. -_- gonna spend 10 hours with a staff me meet first time. i so wish my lady boss will come!! hm.. hopefully the new staff will be easy to work with.. ..then.. will come another new staff.. from tanglin mall. cos no ppl, so transferred here for time being bah.
hm.. kk, gotta go. really not feeling well.. nose aint good either.. argh.. feel so sick now.. hope can sleep early later..
tmr no blog bah.. ..
mata ne! :)
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