15 March 2013

stress and work takes over

suddenly it dawned on me how tough it is going to be

.. one role. taking on two roles.
combining into two roles.

as a matter of fact, im a human .and i am feelign the work stress alreayd
very heavy.
thousands of thigns going through my head. every seconds.
but this is not gonna be tow months. its gonna last for 5montsh.
though beats better than going to other places. yet still.. mm. .coem to think of it ..pay lesser than that role. .yet me taking on two roles... ha.

hopefully everything will turn out fine eh.
work stress huh...
 well. this is the path
so.. .i need to get past it
not easy. but. .we shall see whats gonna happen eh

perhaps shouldve taken up that h n m job offer.


yea. wish me luck peeps. gonna be hard on me. but i'll hav to do my best everyday and give it my all.
how much more i can give,.. mm... i wodner

so tired. but i wish to have my tasks competed by tmr.
but seems busy today at store.. doubt i can do anythign tmr eh.. se ehow

oh gosh. gotta stop my brain n mind form thinking=/



boring boring day today=( i need soem excitement....

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