06 May 2016

Job Woes

wow i blogging again., gues si mustve been very stressed eh.

anywya, i was still u know.. stressed and all until my main cm (country manager) (not the one without lovelife workaholic) , spoke to me abt whats her plan to get rid of MCs and hvaing us keep looking for ppl etc.

after spoking to her, gave my ideas etc, i felt so much bette.r like a stone lifted off my chest.

my ideas , i just shout it out to her. (and great thing is we actually can talk better than other rm ) anyway.

yea. my concerns and my views in future towards xmas, if we odn fix it now, (whihc i thikn we're alreayd fallen way back behidn) .. xmas, its gonna be 10 time shell for me. and im not even kidding.
it will be worse than hell. i will cry all day and night .working 24 / 7 without a life in xmas. perhaps oct onwards.

sighs. .
anwyay, ,
i hoep all will be resolved soon.

this is out of control.

my worklife is ...disrupted.

my personal life too.
health too.

i don feel like im myself anymore.
good thign sammy is there to keep me here.
i like his   quote. today is priority, tmr is a plan.

but for rm, we are lookin g forward to months ahead of plans.

that is why i foresee, the future ahead , with ppl quitting and newibes gone etc...
this company gonna lose its money man,

imma be the main speaking person in the meeting next week. im nervous nvr done that before.
imma rant it all out and make sure all sm understanads what it menas,


this regiona passed down to me was terrible. i dunno why but  its terrible sighs


at least today feels abit better than ytd.

i worked 9am-1030pm ytd


o well

jaa mata =(

im good with this role. im confident. but now this roster calling ppl all the time to beg them to work, its killing me and wasting my time. my time is precious and expensive. i need to be thinking of hoow to  imrpove a stores sales. not finding ppl to work =(

sighs. .


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