this is jsut gonna be a prelude. but yea basically im back.
rrly sad i have to leave both sammy and sydney. i really cant bear to leave.. but i have to. sighs. .one day ba. if there's a way for me to be with him 24/7.
i hate the final days before i leave him. me so teary ..couldnt control myself. =/
had such wonderful weke with him.all so worth it. luckly save on time
but yea. its been suich a awesome weke and happy week.. he's been v nice n swt too. =)
rrly wish i don have to leave at all.. sighs. but what to do. tiems up. today's my last day. but i'll definiltey be back for him again. keeping my fiongers crossed asap
omg so slpy.
my stomach always not digrsting well when im there. even with the yakult. it slike i can only poo once .=.= wth
kk. jsut gonna be a short blog tats all.
basically just sad ..v sad that i have to goodbye to him today. sighs
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