07 December 2014

'A' job?


been rrly busy for xmas period..


myy country manager driped by the other day.. and yea. .etcetc. .then she was asking abt me and bf.. and she was like .she can feel me. .her bf in europe. and even though theyre both working adults,,.. apparantly he cant come over here. hes not willing to let go of his job in europe or somehting. so yea. .so wa slike. .hes not coming over fo ru? shes like no..

...sighs. i duno abt ehri situations. .but if rrly love another. .e will give up to be with her. thats what happened to my fren's fren. o well.. it all depends on the peeso themselves ba..

she say.. too many heartbreaks for this relationships to give up.

o well...

=/ i hope somehow they can wor it out together .. .i liek this country manager better than ausie rgm .though ive yet to sene the scary fierce side of her yet. ha. hope  wont ever.

but yea. .


erm.. .so ws watching this video.. and this hilarious coupe .well theyre frens not couple. this girl was saying. . eevry girl says oh they love blowjobs etc(sorta to impress their guys) but actually no. its liek bloody last hting on their list. lol .she uses the f word i uses the bloody word so yea.
she say.. blowjob is also called the A job.
mm.. menaing. .cos its v tough thats why its called A job> ?
mm.. interesting

but yea. anyway
then the guy was mumbing sumting abt  blowjob usually will take ard 25mins or so..
i was like. .mm. .yea abt there. .and i tot was long. so its normal ha.
but anyway. A job huh. haha. like so hard for the females as though. lol

dunno if thats true but yea. .anyway.

stiill coughing and voice bad.

not enough water

boo huu


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