19 October 2013


slpy liao.
glad im feeling better

wow. time flies today. which is a very good thing.
there were days when its extremely slow.. 15 mins passed, seems as though an hour passed alrdy. thought yay an hour is over. but skali only 15mins=.=
gosh. .those days...

gotta slp soon. so late

oh man. couldnt find dad's pressy. wouldve love to gib it to him by morning ya know/ o well. nvm ba. see tmr how.

was walking with my colleague today. my collaegue was pointing out to me this group of guys. chinese. one of them .asking me to check him out. not liek he's so great or waht. but just a casual check him outmy colleague say. then my colleague say actually she thought that guy was looking at him. towards our direction. but then he realized that guy was actually looking at me. see. told ya right. creepys when u din even know someone is looking at ya =.=
anyway, i was joking that. no la. maybe he saw my phone case with a broken mirror. thinking whats wrong with this girl ar. still wanna use a broken mirror XD then she lol.

weird la .thats one of the reason why i love to walk fast. dun like ppl look la

stomachache. kk. gtg.
toilet hten hurry to bed=.=
but sure online phone again.

kk mat!!

yay finally off tmr! =)

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