18 October 2013

sick at work still

just ognna blog a quick oe then hit the sack

so weak.. not a good night slp yet again
so warm due to fever. thorat hurts.. gotta work..  now nose n throat... still got probs
working on a sick day =/ sucks
imagine still need to go around chasing after customers to get sales. .etc.. worry about sales figure.. personal result. .etc
though no commisions
gotta tahan bah
though fever is gone bah. but still left my body weak and sick
gotta slp soon.
tonight forgo the med, and head fo rthe relax drink thigny. i hope i'll hav a gd night slp this time
been like.. =/ half awake of sort.. mind tlaking...thinking... argh. .gosh so irritating!! keeps going on talking n thinking of dreams. .its rrly like half awake
tch.gettign late.
kk.. jaa mata

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