oh talk about sleeping early.. .gosh. always end up not happening
dang.. .buy lingeries.. ended up so much hassle going on thanks to my colleague=/ huu
rrly.. sooo irritating .
arghhh long story. rrly dislike . be responsible mah. thats why especially ask young ppl do thigns, they cant get it done well. argh
'so.. well... im feeling much better now.. past few dasy of heaache and tears were gone.. mm.. .yea. .it was terrible..
cried 24/7x4
long story..
and.. i don think im prepared to type anythign yet. .
..mm.. yea..recovery mode bah...
just that couldnt believe.. nah. im not gonna say anyting .later regret.
but yea..
so rrly huh.. ppl think im naive and easy to bluff.. so they;ll keep continue to do taht ?
well.. i also gotta ealrne and grow from this bah..
jus thope htere wontbe another time liek this..
u have no idea how hurtful those heartaches were.. .
2nd time alrdy.. first time was when he broke up with me
to think i went through a 2nd time.
that was.. incredibly painful. like.. u cry till cant cry no more.. u cry and u dunno why ur tears are coming out..
well.. those days were in the past. .forget it bah
i cant wait to see him
had want ed to celebrate our bday together.. rememebr?
but decided to cancelled it. too risky. later touch wood.. anything bad happen.. or make him upset cos he dislike bday.. etc
if i could, i wouldve wish to hold onto the pain and pretend nothing is wrong. then ask him all abt it daysss after. apity im weak. i cant . my heart cant hold on .
its all over now
new lessons learnt. u get to see thigns from another angle
i get to know how he feels.
if only guys are able to open up like this more
as girls, we will be able to know how they truly feel too
if only i know earlier..
i'd guessed it alreayd.. but... to hear it form hiim.. its still the most assuring thing
hope he'll enjoy his bbq this wekeend. so nice. i like bbq.
but i cant join o well
dunno is that for his bday post celebrations or what.
but yea .. nvr ask.
told him i wont. last thing i want is to make him feel like having to answer me .later dunno how to answer.. .then history repeat itself again.. .
so yea.
know better than being hid in the dark
rather make it easier by not makign him feel like explaining ya know.
dunno bah. o well
so glad he helped me out jus tnow with picking clothes for the retro theme. yea=.= so mafan.
dunno whats the prize either. o well
but so nice. rrly like hte fact that i was taking pics, adn showing him. u know how u go shopping, and take pics. .asking if its ncie, suggestions.e.tc
or food pics. .etc
so yea. its like hes not here, but he still can help me out
nice feeling
rrly cant wait to fly over asap
gosh. tix haven book O,O
mm.. just hope the good ones ad reasonable price ones still available
oh man.
so fast one week almost over liao
jaa mata
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