so busy!!! its sales period and i hate it =((
long horus and all.. but. .. haiz. just get through it i tell myself..
theres a .. problematic team memebr,...
and... blah2... country sm was telling me. or rahter, askin gmme wherer do i see her. to diff ppl, theres diff potencial
for me, { she raises her hand above her head } its that level. and she say she thinks i could even go higher above (liek higher than rm role in future) .
but to so,e team members,
she lowers her hand to her stomach area... theey just don have the skills.
in anycase,... im flattered for anybody like her to think that way of me. at the same time,... its difficult trying to keep ur team spirits high due to ... u know... the not as gd team...
=/ o well
time fleis man. i just cant believe its onlhy less thaan 2 weeks before im off to sydney. like whattttttttttt
are u serious?/
sadly.. .when im back in sg, ....
thoguh still 1 day and half left ofAL,.... my cm(country mamanger) asked me to have my phone back
o well..
life of being a rm.. .
i can see myself already all strerssed by last day of sydnye .or lsat 2 days...
all stressed and crying.. knowing i cant see him anymore.. for long itme i mean.. and having stress back into m life again...
o well...
hopefully all goes well.. jaa mata
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