05 April 2016

sad day

my parents bought me a closet.
and m room as small enough as it is,.. .. htey shifted my stuffs all ard. now my room isnt like a room anymore. i dont veen feel relax at more either.
it sso messy .
thats why i love hotels. cos it my own private room. i get nice bed. and aircon. with fluffy blankie and proper pillows.
a desk to do my work. tv. i c an do wahtever i want.

sighs .

bad day today =( sad. so sad. so tired. liek all at once.

and my rm.. the aussie one. like so scaary. sometiems very nice. soemtimes very ... abit like. ....mean =/ i dunno

that is what i noticed. id un  even wanna talk much abt them. but seems liek aussies, alot of them are so.. judgemental


anwyay, haiz.

i had a long cut on my finger today =/
this other aussie lady came to sg. blah3... seet up new store. .then she thought she fixed this fiture on wall. but when i staarting putting hooks' on it, it fell right on my hand. the other part of skin teared, but thank god just an inch befor it gets the blood. but my other finger, long cut. =/ o well

so tired. sighs

will i love this job?
i don even feel happy anymore


sobx o well

sighs. so nice. rm get to travel so often like that. still can say rm can apply al only if its big matter. fren come sg they go travel big matter meh?  maybe i shld lie bf coming sg we go travel 14ddays.
she travelling to hk and viet 5 days each. so long.

makes me wonder. what kind of reason can i give.
=/   if only its real. if my bf is here. i could easily say that kind of thing.
o well. cant bah. later they ask to see photos

anwya, hoepfully tmr will be bette.r=/



i hate rosters and pt who cant waork =(

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