07 December 2013

counting down..

mm... its a sad day..
anyway, tmr will have another goodbye session to go through bah .

extremely busy day.

just needed a quiet night i gues.s.

just thinking.. u know.. dont u have those moments there when u just hated urself
haiz =(
like. .waht couldve be doen to make it better.. or sometimes unsure....
mm.. dunno waht to say either.. or how to say it
things couldve be better. .its all abt choices

ha. asked sammy what shld i make him for breakfast in future.
he gave me a list. goood. but. soem tough ones haha.
wel, can always start with the basic mah right
isnt it the best feeling iafter the hardwork, and ur partner appreciates what u did, and u can get to sit down n company or watch him eat
so  ncie isnt it
its those lil bits of blissful moments that makes it so special everyday.
but it all comes down to appreciation.
some ppl.. take it for granted.. and. .yea.. thigns they do for their partner.s. didnt look so special anymore..

tmr my last day liao.
its been a long journey.
o well

..i think im enjoying this quiet night.
cant turn back time
i hope i'l lmake better decisons tmr onwards

still abit unwelll
o well =/
hopefully by mon will be fine bah

getting slpy after med..

mm.. so yea

sighs.. tmes like this .. when i needed a hug
a tight hug. that'll say everything is gonna be alright. .

no appettie either. only had sushi. fo rlunch. late lunch.
din eat anthign though..but still eat med. shld be fine ba
gosh. now im hungry
but gonna slp soon

cant one be jjust carefree.. and.. happ always? is it so difficult to achieve taht
happiness so hard to come by
wouldnt u wanna cherish it too huh .
when its right in ur hands.
.dont let go

... haiz.
o k. hungry liao. gonn aslp it through bah
i like slpy med.. no need think so much

jaa mata

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