07 February 2014

hi again =)

gomen ne.. been lazy to blog lately. also due to busy and tiredness..

been such a unhealthy week. crap ne. if only can maintain healthy always. o well

missing him alot. finally received abit of msgs from him 
thought he'll first thing msg me when hes able to . owe ll. anyway, next thing i know, he's off to bed. cant blame him. hes too tired bah. but so shocked he slp liao. no time to even chat more. o well
after that, i gourge myself with food.. then yea. satisfied liao. felt better.

guess after next week maybe better bah. see how

saw this yellow stains on my pillows. was like.. kinda disgusting looking. ha. like its spreading kinda marks.. u know. i thought.. germs? or bateria or what. cos that pillow supposed to be a good one. 
anti blah3... .so was puzzled. 
then today was like crying whilst head on my pillow.. 
it suddenly dawned on me.  hey. those stains were my tears!
hahaha. finally pulle solved. but yea. damn. din know its gonan stain m pillows. =.= 
o well. 

slpy morning last min preparation for meeting. luckily i do. phew.... somemore that one no discussions. that topic i do alone. =.= 
o well


and one of my best fren. went back to his c ountry liao. sighs. 
had dinner with him and his gf the other day. o wlel. 
so sad. all my frens leaving. but dunno he's coming back anot. 
that guy ar. thought of stepping two boats with one foot. argh. dunno whats he thinking. 
somemore this girl is swt and pretty u know. 
duno why he prefer the other uglier and psycho maniac type. always stalked him etc.that time he complain3... then now duno la. i think he's mad. 

but anyway, had i mentioned this last week? 
O.o i forgot
so he went shopping for clothes. (i saw the clotehs would love to buy for sammy. rrly .so nice. but sadly he's not here. and i cant send him anthing) 
and he keep asking for my opnion. 
his gf. .i think she's ok bah. but im like... omg. ur gf leh. ask her la. later she upset how. 
dunno abt here. but If i were her, wi will get so upset with sammy. 
at least ask ur gf first. then ask ur fren la. 
make me so worried for the girl. i even tried staying away abit. but he still turn to me and ask me nice anot.. =./= 
omg. that guy ar... no. i think most guys. just no sensitive feelings to them. not all. but most. =.= 
not their faults though. cos girls ..most are sensitive bah

still rememebr after movie. .long time ago. 
then sammy nvr even hold my hand. and walk straight up to his fren whos smoking. female. then talk to her. 
leaving me at the back. with no one i know. 
huu.... +pout. shocker eh. o well. 

anyway, so nice. sm gave us valentines day chocolate. 
mini one. like a simpe type. 
to think that day was joking with them that i nvr recevive valentine days pressy for many years liao ha. mm.. oh yea. cos one of them ask me buy for her v gift. i say.. her bf can do  that. cos no one gib me for so long liao ne. should gib me. duno isit hat why sm buy choco for us. mm.. 
oh yhea. in case youre wondering. cos he's overseas

slpy still not enough slp then went meeting
luckily tmr can slp late
ha. rgm still cna rememebr. im going back to work even on my off day. again. 
not work. but meetin ga d sign contract etc. 
but yea. its difficult to arrange time due to sg timeslot. 

so many thigns wanna tell sammy over then things. but forgot most of them liao .ha
o well

so rgm said again.. that we have to dress best of the best. esp cos its Aplus store. dress till big boss can tell oh htats from team ____a. .
haiyo... msut take pics again for another week. =.= 
for the best dress. apparantly the winner not out yet for the other week .gonna wait for sm decision. sm thought rgm must make the decision .

o well. must think of what to wear again for the next week to come. 
wish me luck

today bought a dress simple one. and a skirt. OMG> the material sooooo softttttttttttttttttttt 
so smoothhhh hif sam here. .haha .thats it. cant keep his hands off. 
and a crop top.. .red one. oh man... =/ decidedcd not to buy. cos its v cut. and ea.. my boobs. 
worse than my other crop top maybe
so. .decided not to get it. if sammy is here. will get. cos i feel protected. but.. .yea. wear that. .awalk alone, thats it. uncomft with eyes ard 24.7

mm.. as though im tlaking to him here ...ha. cos suddenly recalled alot of thigns
must think then can rememebr. if askon the spot.. sometimes hard to recall 

so nice. 2 sm who worked for over a year( including my sm) , they get to go australia 5 days for work in may. sooooooooo envious. haiz.... this company is soooo great and generous. rrly nice. at previous one, .. .work there e4yrs. also dunno what i get. 
lots of experience though .
liek my previous rgm used to say... 
eh don care abt education. work experience is the most important. cso money cant buy that. 
and yes. i am proud to have those years of experience. 

so swt. my fren bought me candies. in turn, i bought staff opruchase item for her. prices fair enough .its the thoughts that counts.was rrly touched. cos i like the andies. .but always nvr buy. i din tell her. but told her its cute. then she bought fo rme =) . so swt . but. .few ppl are that nice nowadasy .sighs. .

anyway, rgm say. .after meeting . that we get our choice of statement necklace , bangle and earrrings for free .wow .and we get a bold colour of choice lipstick from the company too. sephora brand la. $20 ne. O.o 
better than nothing. 
soooo generous! all becos of they want us to look good. 
maybe they rrly did consider the fact that not all team members can afford lipstick and stuff. but well. they cant provide everythign mah. outfit we still must wear. 

anyway.  jsut picked out my five outfits for next week. omg. all black and white .XD
dunno why... ive been loving the black and white colout combinations. not say loving it. but.. jsut. .somehow... the ones i bought and like, are all in balck and white. oh man .i need more colours. 

so hard to find a top i like. oh. .the above i just mentioned in my previous blog isit. ow ell. dunno .nvm. 

kk. gtg. 
so nice to blog again =) 


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