its very stress. when off day. .then received msg .. the numbers of thigns ui need ot look out for..
though stressful, i also kept telling myslef. its all for hte money too .
the more money u get, hte harder u must work.
tats al lfair eh.
so yea.. stresssssssssss
but.. thank goodness had a ncie tow days off straight.. due to coolegaechanges off. so yea. .
but. .a pity. .though t i coulve uses these two days and catcup with him.. but.. yea. ..he's too busy bah .
o well
S5 phoen coming soon. so happy to know taht. rlry cant wait to be one of the first to change it
my stomach. .stil not good. for. .3 or 2 days liao bah . diarrhea. huu......... soon after sammy .
yea. .but ...i guess.. my fault too bah.. cos. .stil lhaving spicy dishes and all...
only recently i realises that.. i MUST have spicy food . in every meal. kidna scary eh
like.. the first thought ... be it lunch or what .its liek. .ok.. chilli3....
oh man...
i don think thats good huh? ...i dunno.. .but.. its beena habit now.. used to it. .and i liekit..
thoughtummy not gd, yet still had the msot spicy chicken wings. ..cos headed there so far.. ....then yea. .wasted if nvr buy..
even bro only ate oen or so. his lips all red. =.=
its.abt of tobasco taste bah... for me. .though spicy, ... yet still quite alright. i like.
but disliek tobasco taste. .liek..soury..
i wonder if he's lsping now.. .o wel.
uni student mah.. sure busy..
how do u guys handle stress
i wonder
im really bad with that. .rrly
i dunno how to destress
don tel me to smoek or drink
as for exercise.. well.. .
sighs.. lazy la... hate to move. lvoe it when im runnign and sweating. .but.. if i slpt late,.. then thats it=(
sighs. .somemore i tan easily.. if run too late, then yea. ..sun u[p liao... rrly disliek tan now
anyway..regreats aside..
wow. just realled somthing..from workplace. quite long ago .
yea. .someitmes memory just returned=.=
these two aunties..erm.. more of tai tais.
from sg.
they were chating in my sotre.. blah3... oh my children.. study in US.... Uk... your children? ...
oh htey are sstudying in..blah3....
...that rrly pisse sme off
rrly. alot.
i knwo. none of my business. but seriously. its obvious. human nature.whe u say such thing in public, you're feelign good, and boasting. bragging
tats the ugly truth of hu,an nature. anyway
yea. .i disliek it alot .cos. .so haolian. .but at the same time. ..... i wishes... i have the do that...
but.. my family cant afford..
since young. i knew... diff ppl..diff lives...
ppl live in big hourses.. go overeas study.. eetc etc... we envy.. but. .we cant change it. .unless we win what.. tot or something=.=
o wel.
but the luckiest thing happened in my life.. is to've met him.
in millionsss and billionssss of humans in this world,.... to find your lvoe one,... its not fate( but it should be) but it's a miracle.
two souls... connected... how amazing is that huh...
i sitll rememebr... durign our date in explanade.. .(haven gott ogether yet)
.he was still plaing with his psp game..the car racing .. ha. he ended up.. getting hanged..and he got lotsssssssssss of pointssssss. haha. anyway... yea.. i was teling hinm.. if that teachser hadnt changed my shcool option, ..i woulntve beeen who i am.. hten immediately.he replaied.. no... shaking his head.. he say no.. as in he rather me to be me now. not someone else.
its amizng.. like. .how i felt so ..naturall..and saem with him.. laying my head on his shoulder.. etc..
when i've even barely know hinm...
glad i trusted the right person
mm. omg. i forgot what i'd wanted to type=.=.............
oh man
hal still remember.. we went to madarine hotel go toilet.. then to 7 -11 ..he's so hungry.he ate instant cup noodle ..inside 7-11
i wonder.. ....if he still remembr any of thise..........
thoe memories... ar so precious to me....
tats why i made two cscrapbooks for him
it snot easy fo rme.. i've nvr told him.. but .. i knew he's leaving sg... and,. during those times.. i was so upset..and cried alot. ..
i cried so much when i was fdating him..ywet.. he's my first lvoe.and will always be..
i .... so wish.. oto go eat.. bedok fishball noodles with him again.. .... the late night oopen one.. .
if im borned super rich,... i woudlvce gone ther eby now.. ...
sighs ..i wish.. iwish.. h 's able to do that with me.and bring me tehere..
ut yea.. thiking back.. those memories..sp swt.. .
im not gonna say everythign here.. .but. the detaisl when we firs mert, ;as well as in between,.. i still reember clearly...
he's so busy... i bet he ... i think.. he wotnt be able to remember bah..huh.
i fell.. whilst walking down strais from marina square.. then he say.. will hold my hands in case i gfall again..
then.. we kicked some twigs.. like football....
i hav a feelign he don rememebr.. but.. tis clear in my heads....
i love him so muhc.... i got hurt by him once.. .(officially or more) .. so im scared..
in fact.. im hurt.. .. moer than once.. but... yea. i wouldnt say anythign .is that a gd thing...
i miss him alrdy
most wondeful memories.. room.. just u and hin...
wow i talking abt him so much here....
imma have inadequate slp again..
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