adn this youtuber. shes known for her ranchy .. .erm. fake big booobs.. .shes fat. ..etc. like slutty.. .i watch her cos shes still v funny nd ya. i know its like hard to explain why am i stil l watching her. lol. anyya. even she's saying. she don swallow. im like. oh rrly. my first time and everytime ive been swallowing .. i wonder...
am i doing a wrong' thing?
its healthy. it tasted alright and tastless for the past couple of times. which im like yay for. but... yea.. .
i duno.
most girls wont ddo that?
was telling sammy.. over lucnh.(cos he asked) this angmoh guy was checking me out when i was checking in.
my fren is the one who todlme. u know me. i on look at guys. like duh im not blind i can see them. they are angmohs. bigger bodies. etc. but i don stop n watch them. so anwyy.
no wonder he stopped abit. i say sorry. i nvr look at him
but then my fren tells me that he was checking me out and do thte.. erm clicked tongue sound?
omg. im like what. =.= seriously?
anyway not interested too bad==.
i duno if its normal. but im jus tnot interested in gusy checking me out. it bothers me. i only love it when he's checking me out. u know him. =)
and i wa stellign him as well. .smamy. abt reecent met with my bestfren. adn he brought along his fren. i hate it when he does that! cos its like alwaysvr telling me beforehnd=.= !
anyway.... blah3 onwards... and at the end of night his fren and i were hitting off. and i kinda felt bad for not talking to my fren u know.. cos we were tlaking so much.
adn anwya he suddenly shoot (btw guys.. .he is attached so ya. don think anything wrong ok .. )
me thsi question abt dc vs marvel .i was liek i dunno who i support . cos i watch literally everything.
and i like them all .
i was nt too sure where they are from.
adn he was lie .choose carefully woman. im like XD
anwyay. so. ended up he like batman.. .etc balh3. i was like yea etcetc. cos im not a huge fan. and im no expert in these heroes. but i know some details.
he didnt tell me he liek batman. he jsut say i shld wath the trailer. batman got so much money etc. i was liek .yea. h'es diff. cos hes hte only hero who is without the super power.he is just a human. and so on the conversation goes... with through the movies and cartoons..etc...
it was nice though chatting with ssomeone who knows what youve watched and stuffs.
he was hten liek. you're the perfect girl! he said that twice. i wa slike... (holy crap dont ) .but i took that as a compliment. .and i was like immediately replied him that. .well everyones different...
cos he was sayig other girls he know is watching stupid lame korean drams etc.
so ya. tats why for me who has watch 'men' kinda c artoons, is impressive to him i guess.
its jsut a compliment nothign more. im sure;.
if he's single i will feel v uncomfortabel .but he is attached so tatass why im ok to speack with him.
i watched al lthese due to influence of my brother i guess. and yea.
i duno. liek i'd said before. i watched and played games of not women normally does.
cos of my bro. thats why. from games.. ff..iron man.. omg u namme it for me.. .
i love watching bro playing games.
since young. even towards horror like silent hill...
resident evil..
most women will be like.. eeww.. .omg scary.. so not cool etc. but ifind them so cool so interesting. .so wow.
so .. ya. alot of my interestes.. inspirede by bro...
anyway.. .
yea. its always a huge compliemnt when a man tells u that youre the perfect girl. lol. i wouldve take that a wron way if he is single. but phew. hes not. so yea. menaing even if my frne ask me out again with this new fren i will be fine.
i duno. what ur define of a perfect girl ?
girl who watches guys stufss? adn don go gargar over korean dramas etc?
im so glad im not that kind of girl though.
not becs i wnann be perfect' ..etc. but just i like to be diff.
like. i don wanna go gaga over lee min ho.. over.. .what.. big bang> ? orean gay looking group. etc.
omg. they are so disgusting lookign with the hairs..bodie...eyeliners... argh. eat mroe !
voice sucsk. dancing alright.
but yea. i duno why women going gagas over them .
seriously though. whyyyyyyyyyyyy
im a woman. i can be girly to mature to firm. v firm with my team. im fierce as well.
but im mostly girly into a surrender mode when im with himXD omg why... lol
whatever. i just don wnana be define as a normal typical woman.
like. i look at the womens with angmohs in heels..etc...lauhging away.. .im like. ..... are u so desperrate into angmohs>
=.= argh shrughs
=.= argh shrughs
this book im reading now.. jsut statted only.. he
s 35 when he got retired baby!!!! say watttttttttttttttttttttt
he says whenevr ppl was lie talkign everybody has a mentor in their lives. he sliek yea. but he dont. then hewas like tlaking.. ..actually he realized he does. and thats his wife! awwwww
so yea. 15mins into his retirement. .he
s bored and wonder. why. why he's so suc ceessful. he wanna now shares the tips. to ppl .how he achieved all these.
so yea. omg. he started from scratch... from owning his computer souftward company.. 9(though his comp) ...etc.. .till he sold his company. .etc.. .
tats why hes able to retire... etc.
yes. u can do it. anyone can. gdluck=)
tips :81 ask her how is she feeling
82 if she has been sick in some way, ask for an update and ask how she is feeling or doing
83 if she is tired offer to make her some tea
84 get ready to go to slp together and get in bed at the same time
85 give her a kiss and goodbye when you leave
85. he spot on. sammy did that. sat mrg. fri night we slpt so 530am after clubbing.
he nid to get out and get his car. i was like.. aww..he's dressing up n leaving. .then he looked at me and natural reaction i pout adn kisses me . before he left. like a peck on my lips. its as though the eye contacnt though. befoure i pout our eyes met adn he is alrdy coming towards me. that one sec only. so ya. im so happy he did.
and slp together in bed same time? omg. yea.... im loving that with him .full on pointssss
i rrly love that.
so ya.. missing him lots still.. .haizz..
oh ya thres this bbras thingy he was saying. .cheat. lol. its like . f threres notin gto cheat i couldnt even cheat
anywya. its lik.e i do . i only buy bras due to its desigsn. end of story .
i will take out the boot' if its takable.
and yea.
the insominia.. .she was like.. oh ono padding u don nid big sie. like.. ok...=/ then i tried.. and i tel her.. .its too smal=.=
hey small built asian girls .and when short. doesnt mean u hav small ubst! so ya, i ask her to change a bigger sizr for me.
cos ven though im wearing a tshirt doesnt mena they can tell what size i am .
so ya.
oh ya thres this bbras thingy he was saying. .cheat. lol. its like . f threres notin gto cheat i couldnt even cheat
anywya. its lik.e i do . i only buy bras due to its desigsn. end of story .
i will take out the boot' if its takable.
and yea.
the insominia.. .she was like.. oh ono padding u don nid big sie. like.. ok...=/ then i tried.. and i tel her.. .its too smal=.=
hey small built asian girls .and when short. doesnt mean u hav small ubst! so ya, i ask her to change a bigger sizr for me.
cos ven though im wearing a tshirt doesnt mena they can tell what size i am .
so ya.
ja amata