13 July 2014

difft sm

so slpyyyyyyyyyyyy fell aslp on sofa. gd thing i wokey on time.

today was quiet at work. hmm..

u know.. it is rather nice to have ur love one compliment abt u when u feel that say.. it was not a gd photo of u. and u rrly wishes it to be better .
so when he say he like it, i was hapy and surprised =)
but i rrly do wishes i could look better in his phone though haha.
perhaps its jsut me bah.. gd but i think not gd enough. ha. whereas for him is gd. aw...
soyea. its a gd thing he said that. .and that makes my day =)

ha eyes abt half closed.. slpy ..

mm.. throat still hurts..

ok.. so like the typical manager.. dunno la.
was glad she make the effort to buy a surprise bday cake for me.. i was rrly caught off guard when they sang song fo rme ha. but.. to say buy a drink and gone for 25mins is like... =/
and also gondola v empt. .asked if i shld do something abt. .say nvm she wil lhandle. .then today she off. today still nothing is done. what if imagine the c manager is here cos she stays near here. if she ocme in die. if ceo come in see die. luckily todya they nvr. phew
if rgm see even more double die

if compared to my sm from town, she wouldve change everything.
i have to ask 2 times. then shes likes.. ok. she wil ldo somthing later.
wanan help but she wanna do then end up nothing. end up mrg i do abit of sumtin. =.=

and wanted to mentioned this. .so the other day doing vm.
yea.  i did mentieodn eh? i complteted so mcuh
somemore she can tell rgm in mrg that she completed all the frames vm. so wan me help with htat to complete in case she come s in.
alot haven do still wanna lie.
then say the rest can complete tmr.
hello? ofc not.
if rgm hear so many not done yet. ofc she wil lthink how come mrg completed so much. then whole day didnt complete anything else? then next mrg i die lor
maybe she'll think i do very slow. cos that sm off mah next day.
but luckily rgm also off. if not she wil lquestion why audit submit so late. why took so long to complete.
if i cuold be bad , i wouldve replied cos they lie to u abt completeing the frames
argh o well... anyway glad i push on and completed most of them at night alone huu

its gd to vent it out a little.

seriously yea.. this sm abit.. .mm.. dunno la. only worked thrree days with her. she's ncie and frenly. but... town sm still consider a better sm.
even thoughstress. but i know she's doing her job

so yea.. gonna be back to the stressful store.. pros and cons. haha.
nonetheless, o well.. .lets do this!

ah.. bro away for holiday.. .o well..

kk. think gonan slp. hair stil ldrying=.=

jaa mata

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