so much that i wanna get it out...
so its been a great trip for both of us. even though i was tired and slp. not enough slp, it is all ok. becos i spend every sec with him. i video... yes. him slping and all... took pics.. i tried took mroe pics of us both together.. he shy la i think ha
mm.. i cried alot last night. cos.. found out his dad think he saw me. dunno how sure. but yea. sighs
i rrly hope everything wil lturn out alrgiht. rrly hope they'll treat sammy as a grown up man alrdy to make his own decisions. ..rrly keeping my fingers crossed.. .hope all will be fine. .and the storm be over soon...
jsut when i hav plans. it got all cancelled cos of what happened. sighs. now hav to wait to next yr bah.
and also part of the plan is to make him erm.. 'c munchie omfy' . then no mood cos yea... if only we nvr bump into his dad.. .
rrly regret not being able to comfy him. should've done it earlier when not so tired. maybe first or second day ..sighs... =/
wasted ne.
just when i have plans.. all hings gone wrong =/
my skin.. rrly corse and itchy /painful. cos of the weather. my lips as well. last yr like that. this yr also=. =
so dry. not enough fluid also.
then come back, bought at airport this lipbalm..gdone. now so much better.softness returns. omg why didnt i get that earlier!!??
tried to be perfect for sammy. but plan failed.
too cold. cant wear certain outfit/dresses. haiz... skin breakout on the day im leaving for airport=.= wth right.
lips also.
so yea.. .stomach indeed not v good. yakult taste liek diluted.=.= didnt work much. then now i just thought of bananas. next time i must buy bananas. keep my bowel moving.
yakult alone wont work. make me bloated still only
my babydoll lingerie nightie wore once only. think he also nvr rrly notice. perhaps too tired and slpy bah
o well
he asked me why i love him. i heard it as why he love me. i replied dunno. luckily he asked again and the misunderstandsing cleared up .
when u love someone. u love almost everything .its hard to put a finger into it. u cant just say it all out u know.
i love his intellegence , care personaility.. protect me.. swt, cute, fun, he suits me well
and i accept his flaws. thats what part of love is all abt bah .
no one is great at all aspects. and i still love him even though mm.. like he can be pretty firm on me .like.. very manly ar. lol. but he is manly.
but yea. im a lucky girl. and its gd to hear what he liek ab tme too.
fro today onwards, i made it a point not to be upset or angry when he cant msg.
will do my best desyu. he's so busy and tired.. .and yea... as much as i wish he could ,. .but yea. its ok. i understandnow. its great to hear what's he been doing.. his concerns.. uni job etc. makes me understand him more liao. =) we can only change ourselves. not change ppl. once u stop trying to change ppl, you'll realised how great that person is. i read it from a book. rgm lend. we both agreed its true.
he caught me this toy dragon from the movie how to train your dragon 2. i was soooooooo happy. i was over the moon!!!
=) rrly din expect he rrly caught it ^^ hehe . so gonna hug it everyniht. cos he hugged it too.
i love late night suppers with him. walking down the dark night... =) we were near darling harbour. after rushed to a bar. yea.. .we walk2... then so cold. then he hugged me and spin. =) i was looking up at the sky too.
so nice. so swt. romantic.
gotta slp soon. wil ltype asap. maybe continue tmr or what.
finally we had more pics taken than lsat yr. not huge amount but hey. look on the bright side .itss more than last yr =)
hoepfully next yr even more ha.
wat els.e. mm. .
oh i wasnt feeling so well. my throat. sore throat whole week. huu...
oh we did somethign new. he drove me to wollongon. so beautiful the scenary. i fell aslp along the way here n there.. =/ cos only slpt abt 1hr or so mah. but still. all worth it. =)
love watchign late night football match with him. though i do fell aslp soemtimes. btu yea. cosy up together in one room. watch together. what more could i ask for =)
rrly glad he love the watch. phew. haha. the pressy he like, always took me so lon gand hard to fin dit. its like.. limited edition.. or its selling out everywhereXD but hey. worth it all. cos he liek it after all =)
so yea. first ffew days. .as expected. we still hav some energy.. .ha. then soon... i was like... not much energy to talk liao. haiyo .
oh we went to the bar... 2nd last night before iim supposed to leave. iordered fish n chips. not nice. ha.
but we had a great tiem drinking and tlaking =) thumbs up. hehe. happy
oh .theres this door incident.. .i was sad. =/ cos open up nad bang into this metal bar. i tried to be as careful as possible alrdy. but the door there's this... u know how it will sprint' out? it was too strong. din expected that. cos uses one hand open the door. from then, since then. i always open with two hands to control the weight in case it 'sprint' out again.
but yea. felt so bad and sad that day =/
anyway. lesson learnt. thats most imp
haiyo. wasted. instax camera... got flash.=.= if not hav a pic of us can put in wallet liao.
oh rrly3 like this pics though. i uses this remote control to tak eit. only one T_T huu.... but yea. its so nice. like. .first or 2nd day togerher. we all still look refreshed and good. like not that tired lookin ghaha.
mm... so yea. im back alrdy. that sucks.
i love looking back the pics and vids. its as though i am still there...
he's there fo rme. .and little thigns like lugggage. jsut when i was abt to give up closing it, he say its ok. and he did it effortlessly . he din get frustrated or say why i buy so much etc. but yea.. .he jsut helped me..
sobz. gonna teary liao =/
i mish him alot.
rrly wish to be by his side 24/7
its weird. when im with him, i become a xiao nu ren. like a little woman. like. .i dunno. all gentle and weak liek that. lol. maybe cos hes' too manly bah. its not a bad thing.
i trust him. and i listen to what he say most of the time bah .yea. if not he angry . lol. no la. he knows what he's doing. so yea. clever man mah =)
at one point i was laughing out loudly. he asked if thats how i always laugh.
i hope he dint find it too ugly or what lolXD
rather he like my laughter and smiles.
so many nice memories i had ...
6 yrs and a half... he's still charming as always =)
alwasy my man .
my love.
my everything. my all .
rrky want to overcome this hurdle with him tmr.. .
anyway. will type soon .hopefully tmr bah. long post eh
jaa mata
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