18 September 2014

do not bump into me

reluctantly then i blog.
cos.. dunno bah. been thinking some stuffs. .wasnt sure or whats going on.. or how to handle it.. =/
escaping bah.
didnt note down what i'd wanted to blog this time. so forgot most of it. everything i think

o well

nah. better not say it.

feels like this boat is drifting far away.. further away..

the weeks without rgm aussie .wow so great. and not as stressful. but shes comign back soon so yea=/
wish us luck again

duno what to blog.

finally my cough stops. since ytd i think .
mm. .what else

sorry peeps. this isnt me trying to force myself and blog
haiz. another time perhaps

oh just recaled .toda this stupid b**** bumped into me without apologizing. in store. out of reflex i ouch or oi again .my colleague say she's shocked. lol. but its not gd bah. i dunno how to change this . =/
its auto reflex. i couldnt think before i say that out loud. its like another me.
o well. perhaps im just so frustrated in alot of things and i kept it al linsde bah. all bottled up. thats why ..almost blow up when someone tsteps on my tail
haiz. o well .

jaa mata

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