26 November 2013

playboy lovey future

wow.. was watching cesar spcial epi..

quite interint.g.. discovering.. O.o
so.. these few young womens.. under this PLAYBOY mansion. they live ther. and the man who own the place is an old man with white hair, and looks like he's about to die. seriously. nojoke.

sp yea. he helped the ladies there. couple of them.. were the .. so called.. 2010 or 211 something playboy of the month or something.
to my surprised, one of them married a regular looking police officer! she prettyp pretty
ha. but yea. BUT. he looked pretty regular. he's not handsome to the top, he din have a body to the top type,but yea. wow. a regular man, with a playboy woman!! he's jsut a regular average joe !=0

i dunno why and how the playbow girls can get married!

another one. she lives with the playboy photographer. guess what.
hes fat.( big size) . regualr looking man. not handsome.
im like. whoa. all these playboy ladies actually don mind???

honestly. those men are not the most gdlooking guys. they are so normal looking. body size fat and normal. so yea. i was liek wow.

maybe.. .as a playboy girl,... they rrly didnt mind as long as somebody love them eh? ..
but yea..

i wonder.... rrly wonder.. hows it feel like... to move into playboy mansion... u know..etc. huge house n all....
espeically since i don think they truly love htat old man.. =/
haiz... o well.

but yea. this provex that... overall.. not ever pretty women, will marry a man with gorgeous looks.
though having said  tat, im not srue la.. whether that phoptogrpaher and policeman is  liek very rich or what...
sp yea

they sure hav a gd life there eh .. ha.

but yea. even IF im a playboy girl who's living hter,... if one day i find someone i love.  no matter how many awards or magazines im in, i'll still get outta there and marry that man.
not becos theowner is an old man. but becos i don love him. if i love him, then its fine. but if not, must still get outta that mansion and u knwo. love another man., and have my own life.

so yea. quite an interesting episode.
also to think that playboy girls will fall in love married/ live with an average looking man . even the fat ones.
thats nice

huu my ifngers.. still the same =(((


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