02 November 2013


gosh.. still stressing over how to break the news to my rgm n sm =/
i knew she'll say that .she was talking abt herself. and say of course she wouldnt be irreponsible and leave now during busy dec period.
sianz. if ionly i am able to ignore how others feel .
thats how i always get hurt


oh .wanan share this.
this comedian was talking about why  he like dog.
its so tru eu know. cos there was this article i read ebfore too,.
anwaym, he said. .why dogs are better than cats because they dont care whether u have food, money, house, etc. they stay by ur side. thats why you see alot of homeless ppl have dogs! XD
cats will say bye hte moment u dont have anything..etc. lol. so funny
though its funny, but its true if u look at it.. homeless ppl alot have dogs ar.
and yes. faithlful dogs does stick with u eternally .

so slpy .=,=
looking forward to tmr
not looking forwards my stress. need to destress =/

mmm.. how ar. huu

sometimes still have the kind of fears.. when u wonder if ppl are hiding some ..  u know

o well. not a happy day. not a very sad day. stress.
may tmr be a better day =/


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