03 March 2015

spicy hot korean cup noodles

and so.. i was readin gon.. and its like...

after months of work.. .hefinally get a hoiday to relax with his wife. he expeted (the author) his wife to be happy.. butshe was like. .. ' imy life throughout was a mess and pain.. (exp)

he took a deep breathe... and say.. u know hwat. mine too ... someitmes lifes like.. .blah3.. ) *his hands motion into a twist of clothing ...

and them . his wife became happy. and talked abt how excited shes abt holiday

cos he knew shes only making a passing remark abt her life.. .shes not blaming him(for making her feel torn her life tetc)

in the past he wouldve gotten into a fight with her. but now... he understands her and see.. .no arguements=)


he say.. .women wil ltake every little thing as 1 plus point for her man .

whislt man. .c os. .htey didnt know taht, they tot only by focusing on big' thing, will earn them 30points.

big thing like. .mm.. maybe.. .buy them a house.. buy the prada... give them diamonds?

then. .they worked so hard. .and neglated their wives and lil things.. .

to women. every Big thing or lil thing is all equare . one poit eac h .evem if u give them a house. its sone point.

but. u have to give htem a mixture. big and smalls.

its liek. .a cars tank. u need to fill up womens love. then they can give more ...etc.. .and admire u more. ..etc..

throwing out rubbish one point (he gave out 101 things points. haha .
all pretty spot on

anwyay yea.. .
or cook when u see her tired. one point.

say i lvoe u coupl eof days.. .one point. ..

al ltheese lil things. ..evenn asking hows ur day..

AND! once u rch home, instead of finding ur pet or children, or ur room, look for her first! thats also one point.

i can so imagien and totally relate to that. if my hubby came home after long stressful day at work, first thing he look for me, omg i will feels o happy and waanted and.. .yea. overjoyed =)

so there sheaps of lil things to gain points from.. .and feelthe love frmo. .

he had cases where. ..husband say he worked hard provide life adn mony pay bill .. .hyet everytime hes home wife not hapyy.

yes. pay bills, one point. thats it. but wheres hte other points??

cos he's been too busy. so she cant feel love.. .and his poitns is only work and pay bills.. .wherer the lil things like. .give her flowers.. .listen to her. .kiss her. .cuddle her.. .say i love u multiple tiems a day..etc.
or throwing out rubbish for her. ... .

thsi author say.. he made the same mistake too. then. his wife ifnaly wrotehim a letter. (left him a letter inside same house)

abt her sorrows..lonlines.s..anger..and love

like remidnede him of how much time she wish he could spend with her more instead. ..

thehm. .... whens he changed.. instead of 8 clients... he took 7. the 8th... he took it as his vip wie.

get home an hr extra early for her.. .tc. ..and soon.. both of them feels better relationships improved.. and even thoug hey 7 insteadof 8 clients??

no . hes not losing money .insteead, he realiased. when his home propers, his career as well!!

hes doing even better than before!!

wow. even when i wa sreaidn g. .like. .then how .. .his income drop? then he say... yea.. .everythng gets better=)

so glad to hear that

my fren knew im a spicy taker. .

so she todl me of videos posted by ppl.. .etc.. this korean cup noodle...

i had this before this wave started.

she and her fren ouldnt finish it. .

so far i see the vids.. most ppl cant ba

but fo rme i can.

always first time its abit more fdifficult ... but once u get used to its taste its perfect.y fine

first time i tried always find it spicy. then after 2more times or once, im ok liao.

it didnt occred t me that finsinig it in 10mins is a big thing .cos i eat very fastO.o

then she told me. .. theres a challenge 10mins eat finsih etc.. or wat

im like .erm.. ok. but thats pretty normal to me
cos its now liek a normal spicy noodle fo rme. itss v spicy but thats it .

so yea. i ate this before i knew of this hype going on in videos...etc. ...
could it be that.. .when i at it. ..it jsut got imported? hmm..

when i want a kick in my food, i go for either this cup noodle, or thaiepress yellow ginger cicken

first try i think the cup noodl taste pretty swt and bad. i don like swt n spicy mixed. but hte noodles s springy so yea

i liek it. .and yea.. .

nowim so craving for it after watching mre vids.

i definitely can eatmore cups.. cos one cup too small .

hahaha imagine if i post a video. .lol .will i be famous? nah

i don care such thing

hopefully i can find somehting spicier than those bah. lthsoe 2 dishes. ..

i wanna .if i could.. train' my future children to be gd spicy eater like me one day =) thatll be great. unnleesss hubby says noXD lol .

but. my children must at elast taek some mid level spicinessne  =P

ahh.... back to.. normal as usual life routine again.. .sammys ack to uni.. haiz.. so yea. ..

hope thigns will get better as usuall.. .ne.

kk jaa mata


gosh why i like hot food so much... slurpppssss

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