so i noticed this korean youtbe makeup guru.. .recently.. and. .
at frst i was liek. how come shes so pretty and.. her bbreasts look abit.. mm.. not so naatural.. .then. .as i wacth momre of her vids.. .when shes without makeup on, i realized... definitelhy one of her eye lid had surgery on .
yea. u can tell the diff so .. obvious at least to me. i dun . it liek in pics and all u cant tell. but when u see the live hd video, u can tell or i c an tell right away. somethigns not right with the lid.
ike. .one of it is deeper .. cut' ... if u get what i mena.
so yea.. .was kinda disappointed she underwent surgery.. but. .o well .mos tof koreans does=/
however i don detest her. but jsut htat. .now i know how they look like in clos eup hd real life.
eve this girl from onf of famouse korean gril group... she was doing abit of makeup.. maybe advertising it.. etc.. saying no makeup frmo say to night look.. then. from the start, she alrdy wore eyeliner and eyebrows mah! its actually .. .nana from after school . i new cos sammy showed me her barefaced pic once.
so yea. i was liek. huh ? thats her bare face? cannot be. cos her brows fuller.. eeys and face brighter than her bare face pic. nowadasy ppl lie or companies lies in order to get business. dang it. so ashamed man .if me i wont do tat kind of thing. like why put makeup on alrdy then in video say bareface etc. =.= wth
omg. my last proper off was on last week friday. so glad gonna off properly tmr. well now 131am liao so ya
as in todya bah?
tips again...
16. whenver u nid to pull away, let her know that youll be ba ck or that you need some time to think about things.
17. when youe cooled off and you come back, talk about what was bothering you in a respectful, non blaming way, so she doesnt imagine the worst.
18 offer to build a fire in winter time
19 when she talkes to you, put down the magazne or turn off the tv and give her your full attention
20 if she usually washes the dishes, occasionally offer to wash the dishes especiallly fi she is tired that day
ahh.. 18 is so swt.. .19... uh uh .. .gotta do that mate.
duno was it my first visit to syd... theres this time .we wer in starsbucks .or coffeebean .in syd. he hold up newspaper.. like almos covering his face).. i was trying to talk to him.. i was talking alrdy... .and.. he was like readin gnewsaper.. .and. ..yea. i was pretty hurt. but.. .o well. ...then .. yea. what else can i do. play phone lor.
so yea. that pointed, this author got it. or maybe his wife told him ha
jaa mata
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