just cos of work and personal probs and stuffs..
erm.. hav i mention /this customer i served. . was talking abt melb trip. i asked her hows it. .she say boring. cos melb is like. .peaceful' and v quiet. even so after shops closed at evening. early evening.
it smore of a .. .views.. .u knwo. .mountains or seas..etc. other than thaat nothing much.
so yea boring.
then somehow we chatted till abt saftyness... comparisons. she say 'sydnesy is dangerous', ( compared to melb or something) i wa slike. ...o..k... yea. .h huh.. .she say. .alot of duno what.. robberies. ..and stuffs..crimes.. im like.. o..k...
haha. XD
din tell her igo there onoce a year
theres this commercial.. i \watched. its about couples. ..and its as though tey'er invited to this place. each couple was told of how this new app is gonna make their love lives better.
bblah3.. .say so much gd stuff.. in the end they revealed. .its the off button. power off.
off ur phone. spend more quality time wit ur patner.
this woman says.. sorry(to her partner) ... nto just her actually. vice versa. and saying the one hour i spedn on my phone, i couldve spend it with u instead. those precious itme...
some cried too tho.
sammy used to be on his phones game al lthe itme when he's in sg with me. i didnt like it that much. duno why i din tell him ha
but yea... now i find that he doesnt do that much often anymore.. so yea. .thats a plus point. imagine even in bed. ..ur partner still using internet.. etc.. = / lifes so short. lil years left. why waste all those time. why on ur death bed you say.. .wish i have more time with u..every secs matters...''
u now hoow families are eating nowadys. .checking on phones.talk abt work only .et. or blah3...
i was eatin gone day .. .and this family next to me.. .elder bro lill sis. paretns they were tlaking n playing guessing game. exp bro hnit sis.. black and white. .likes bamboo etc. ..she will hav to guess which animal is that.
parents joins in too!! wow.
i find the, noisy. then.... ..wow .tat bro.. .gave his outer wear to his mum when she say she feels cold. then she wears it liek though .. .they're frens. non nid to say. .no nd la.. .its ok.. etc
yea. impressive.
they are so.. .connective.
unliek this kid i saw at parkway weeks ba ck. ,mum had to ask persmission if its ok to return her her ipad cos boy is playing. no wifi is shes gone r something. boy shoutd. and angry. etc. hello .as a parent why u nid to seek permission form ur kid???
omg. that was like. ... wow. im so not gonna be that kind of parent. or mum .who cant veen handle a child. somemore he's so into the game u can tell he's addicted.
his dad nvr rrly scold hmi or what.
somemore paretns ask. .where u wanna eat ar?
is he a king? O.o
he shld be abt.. 5yrs old or so i think
haiz. what a big diff between a non bbalance and bbalanc family....
and in the end after all. .its also ur genes. . t plays a part too ba?
when i went doc.. .ytd.
this lil cute girl was crying. lil boy eating fruit sharing with sis.
father ah beng with tattoos. mum a chinese.. .malaysian i thiNK '?
girl keep wanting to goiinto clinic with mu,. her dad carries her she keep crying dislike. etcet. ..girl so cute.but v irritating like u wanna hit her too meep. gomen.
they quarrel loudly outside. blah3.. .dadsay.. u want me hit her in public ? (the girl so young she only cry and ehe eh ehe h.. .she cant talk i htink ..bro in kindergarden) ... if i hit her now(in public) , he said. don regret . bboth of them .. .straight on hot headed. mum not like soft kind k. so yea.
ah lian and ah beng bah. but both such cute kids. .=( yet. ..sighs.. .i rlry wish.. .that they can grow up to be better perons. not another ah lians or ah bends liek their parents
my colleague.. studying law. yet decided to work fulltime wiwth us.
she say.. .today suddenly she mention) her sis and cousin and duno whoo also..
had diploma.. but all end up working for sales or duno hwat event planer ar.
i asked her.. .why>> ? ? diploma right. she sayyea. .they not ready for fulltiem work yet.
im like.. o. k, ... mm.. .
but wouldnt tht be a waste of money youth and time to... u know. ..work at someplace esle. ..
thats only for ppl who study for the sake of studies.
so yea.
sometiems.. .u have and nid to go towards ur passionsm.
eeven if menaing. ..u inow. .youre not gonna be a lawyer in the end...
at elast.. thats whats gonna make you happy at hte end of the day
my day.... =/ today sucjs. .headoffice ppl...... not as ffrenly as frmo my previous company..
''she didnt even bother to keep the baskets''
wth. lon gstory short
if u wanat us to sedn a pic, tell us straight away. hide ur thingys.
or maybe im so stupid yea. ... sighs...
whats done been done so yea..
cant bother to explain
no wonder both me and my sg rgm thinks that the aussie at our company is so slow and lazy at working.
they are so mean.
work here la. in my smaller store.
work for a month then u tell me bother or not bother. f them ,
today my colleagu told me its the first time she heard me sa the f word
i cried. ..and yea.. wahtvere.
o well...
tips :
21 notice when she is tired or upset and ask whatshe has to do. then offer to helpp by doing a few of her'' to do'' items
22. when goingn out, ask if there is anything she wants you to pick up at the store , and and rememeber to pick it up
23 Let her know when you are planning to take a leave or a nap
24 give her four hugs a day
25 call her form work to ask how she is or ot share something exciting or to tell her ''i love you''
ahh... sometimes he will aks what u wanna get when im in supermarket with hi..
sometimes he will let me know is he's taking naps ..
so.. chsd gorsam
he ha a v happy wonderufl family even if he loks bad on tv..and fierce. ..etc
i rrly admire him for that .marrying his wifey and.. yea. tryign to keep a close connection with his kids even when they're growing up now... from teens.. they look liek thyr'e best frens haha.
mades allthat efforts yea.
even if your eso buusy with media. .. cooking shows... etc. .you still make sur eu spend time with wife and kids. that.. .yea. v admirable
today sammy sonice. even wanna skype me.. hoep this goes on .
just nid trust, loveand truths peeps..
he ha a v happy wonderufl family even if he loks bad on tv..and fierce. ..etc
i rrly admire him for that .marrying his wifey and.. yea. tryign to keep a close connection with his kids even when they're growing up now... from teens.. they look liek thyr'e best frens haha.
mades allthat efforts yea.
even if your eso buusy with media. .. cooking shows... etc. .you still make sur eu spend time with wife and kids. that.. .yea. v admirable
today sammy sonice. even wanna skype me.. hoep this goes on .
just nid trust, loveand truths peeps..
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