13 July 2013

Stupid customer!

too tired n busy to blog

anwyay, mm..... sm still can noticed somethigns wrong with me today. i looked blank' kind... maybe me still htiking  abt rgm matter sighs

anway, =/

oh had a happy dream. in dream, me happy. went to australia. wow. so vivid. so nice.. rrly.

mm.. will blog briefly maybe.. just still trying to u know. make sense of everything =/

anyway.was telling sammy the other day. saw this customer in my store. shes weird looking. alot of makeup on, but.. .her features.. oh my god.
it slike. her nose is unusally long and straight. her dimple, is the scariest ive ever seen =.= so deep, it pentrates into her cheek. yea. very ugly deep dimple when she smield.(gomen)
but its true. her nose also. .so fake looking. too straight. its not nice=/
shes young. but maybe shes rich to undergo the knife. maybe im wrong. but i dunno. its.. .brrr... .igives me the shivers=./=
too unatural =/
alot of ppl now undergo the knife due to their favourite korean singers and actresses influences. =/ so yea... haiz.

speaking of which. so fed up. u know how ppl or celebrities always claimed that their photos are bareface natural looking pics .. .then upload and caption bareface. .. going to slp. .etc... omg. please.
please3. look carefully ba. the pic. theri so called no makeup on face.
why look pretty gd?
because it may be..


lightly powdered face/tinted moistrizer/base foundation/primer on


Photoshop. duh=.= they know how to use for sure eh

eyebrows alrdy drawn

photo apps(smooth out skin etc)

bit of blush

etc etc etc

celebrities mah. u think they stupid ar? =.=
let everyoen in this world see their acne scars, pimples, short brows thin non existent brows and all..
argh. rrly irritating. ppl stil lthink oh so beautiful.. .etc3... .

fans mah.. what to do. cant blame them=.= but yea.
its so obvious the 'tricks' they used. then claimed oh goig to bed.. show no makeup look face. .oh just woke up.. no makeup look face.

=.= o well

mm........ slpy.
gosh. tot ive found the best appp. but guess what. wats app can video too. better quality i think? somemore can be saved in album right. ?
i haven check. but yea. bro just told m.e i was like... whattt???? i din know. thast why dl snapchat. ./=.= omg....
sammy didnt tell me either. dunn ohe knows anot

haiz........ why am i not feelign happy now=( sulky.


btw, today met these two girls. shoukld be ard my age. or younger abit?
tis girl, can tell maybe she oversea study or what. abit of accent. her fren.. dunno signaporean or what. din notice. but still can tell this girls accent mized abit with singlish tone. cos when she speaks with me, its in singlish . as in not jialet singlish type hor. then she talked to her fren abitore accent.
anyway.... so bloody rude.
took two of our products, walk3... then keep saying what.. so expensive.. then nvm. don buy its ok. gues swha.t i was standing nearby them behind. she left the bloody items on the gondola, and walk away with her frens. out the store they went. WTH. cant she passed to me?????? if other adults.. .or old ppl i understand. hello????? u study in uni or what????? what such ill manners is this!??? hoenestly. so stuckup. bloody hell. rrly pissed off with ppl like this >:(

proper basic manner dunno isit. this one, sure beomce a mother who dunno how to teach her childern in duture. bloody hell. rrly cannt stand ppl like that. dunno shes rich anot. but IF she rrly did study overseas, pls . at least be more polite. so bloody rude.bloody2 rude!!!!! rrly u know. angry. i just cant stand ill manner spoilt child brats. with or without money. don show off. and dont be proud. be humble. it will get u everywhere one day.
stupid girl.


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