12 August 2013

i tried speaking up for their bf

mm... well. how should i say this without offening the guys..

so my frens.. females. .
were saying hw their bf.. blah3..

one is.. too much concern about son

another,  care too muchabout himself ,thus neglecting gf

another,  told him to book a date with her early so she can take leave ealrier,
but didnt so end up  yea.. .she has another plan alrdy.
he asked to late.

(short introductions)

me rrly tried to defend their bf in all three cases. but... to no avail =/

i was trying my best.. .say maybe this maybe that.. standing on their ground.. from their persepcitve.. then.. yea... when they explainec. , i realised that i have nothing to say no more =/
indeed.. the girls aint to blame entirelly.


a groupe gathering meet up.. u ignored ur gf... cos buxy etx... so shes awkward cos she no frens talk well with
then.. keepingthinking of urself.. taking for granted ur gf shld agree with u always.
told him to ask u out earlier, then nvr do so.
in army somemore. less time to meet up ne.
care abt ur son how much he will liek the clothes instead of focusing on u... etc...

i tried.. but when they told me the reason, i couldnt help the guys out... sighs
its true. i dunno if anything is wrong with them .but perhaps htey din realise??
liek my fren. so angry with her bf that she decided tio go for movie with a new fren who she knew like her and want her to be her bf.

this is ho w ppl snatch ur gf .


it slike. ..

as though they're takin gthings for granted.

i wanna help them.. but.. its liek theres no excuse for the guys.. thus i cant say anything to help them out.
of course i dun wan my frens to go with other new guys meaning break up la
=/ sighs

even sammy also. so busy till msg me once every hour
..even when im off.
nvr even reply my msg.. =/ sighs. .o well.

ppl too busy will forget their love one huh
haiz. to think i even wakey my ees up time to time to seek for  areply..
o well..

so yea..  =. haiz.tried to speak up for htem.. but.. rrly cannot cos after what they told me

today theres customers mistook me for japanese i think.... type next time......

mata =/
\... only here im saying... i found out a big secret...... sort of... though i wish its aint true

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