10 March 2014


i trusted him whole heartedly .thats why it hurts

sighs. i applied off just for him. yet he say didnt have to.
dunno what went wrong

ive always thought everythign is ok. the way we are. .even though yrs passed. and .. yea.  so happy .so lucky.

i was right. feeling bad abt telling him all my probs. and he didnt.
i shouldnve done that
or perhasp he couldnt trust his probs with me

his detailed days also unclear. he wont share more of what he likes to do or attend..

i think.,, ive done my best
maybe i dont deserve this happiness

i also duno what im saying anymore

what am i doing these for

hoepfully can still rememebr what to blog .cos rrly have no mood to type it in here

uses ice for my eyes this mornign again
can get used to it alrdy

yea.. lik ehim. shld go out with my frens more often
maybe then i'll understand

im sure they're more than willing to bring me out now
.if im willing .

dunno how to smile again

so xin ku to talk n smile at customers when u don feel like it
even with colleagues too

maybe once u started lying, u get addicted to it. then u thoght u could get away with it.
then u forgot how hurtful that'll turn out to the one u love

is that it

redz also did that to me
and bro

what elsse can i do

i dunno why..

so many questions..

so dark and cold

k bah. perhaps im not thiking straight either

perhaps i shld forget what i said too

thing sthat ive done and give. .nvr gd enough

dislike when ppl ask how am i.
sighs.. who will know how i feel..
walk in my shoes then..

home sucks too. bro nvr tlak when i nvr talk. then he saw me in tears
o well
its ok. i can handle this alone
at whatever cost ..maybe.. jsut acting strong only...

since our bdays both sucks. so i thought of wanting to celebrate together even if thats for a day. and its not that accurate.. mayeb he finds it futile. but say ok to pacify me huh.
why are my thoughts and intentions alwasy so naive.. not gd ennuff


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