16 December 2014


sighs.. once again.. something bad happened.. out of the blue.. u know. suddenly ppl died.. big news. yea. .rrly out of the blue.. random day.. anythign can happen..

pics of flowers on the floor mourning the deaths. .at syd martin's place. .

that image immediately lead me to recalled a smiliar news.. .not quite. but its the same.. ppl left flowers on the floor.. .et.. .big news. the melbourne rape /murder case.
that irish woman... mm.. im so curious abt the c ase. .i wonde rhows the murderer now.. .
later will go check again bah

anyway.. yea. =/ its liek a big news. .and. ..o well. something sad bah..
just hope. .mm...  they can prevent such cases. .and how the hell ppl stil ldie. i dunno. police too fast rushes in and started shooting?
id unno man.. too eager to end this thing? so.. started shooting?
but anwyay... no turning back now

ppl died. .and. .yea. just hope i wont be there to witness such a thing on my holiday .can u magine being there while youre enjoying yourself. like outta the blue=.=


k,, jaa

u know. finally xmas is gonna be over. yayyyyyyyyyy


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