02 November 2011

standing below..

tiring day..

weird. .manager shifts can just adjust anyhow according to her like.s. i dont get it. come late put early.
always... o well.. what can i say?

..didnt have any appetite again. .though ewas really2 starving... .. o well.. sighs..

heard consuming calories below ur weight or something. .not good.

o well. .guess i tried.

so tire of all this shit..
so tired....

wonder why i put so much energy into something.. only then realized am doing it alone. wtf.
..ha. .so baka of me. .waht to do...


gosh. .so tired...

u know. .soemtimes its so easy too see where you stand in somebodys elses life.
important or not, ..you know best..

i really shouldnt count on anyone..


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