30 November 2011

empty shell

game suddenlky cannot be play... =( huu.... but not gonan give up trying yet .

mm.. gotta be careful with my gb for this month.. dl the game and alreayd 2gb near 3 is gone. =/ so yea.. by tmr morning should be all done eh

dunno why.. been so slpy lately... these few days ba.. in bus also can fall aslp... cant wait to slp... inside this body.. only emptiness.. thats all i feel...

sighs. terrible night once again...

very slpy... cant wait to slp..
feels like an empty shell right now.
dunno what im doing
like a living dead zombie.

that other day met my ex colleague. .she came to visit.. adn first thing she said when she saw me was'' you're so skinny!!'' i was like. .huh? i was wearing a jacket... fluffy one. like. .how u can tell im skinny sia.. or could it be fomr my face? perhasp too long nvr see each other ba... dunno... dun think im skinny till like that ba. =.= hate it

bro talks alot.. he's like. .so happy n cheerful. .so diff... perhasp holiday realy helps huh.. asked if he got lost. .he said yea.. scary.
wodner.. waht will it be like fo rmy case...
but most importantly, i hope after this trip, i'll return feeling at least aeven for abit.. happier...
dunno if thats possible huh.. but.. i hope so... hopefull ycan turn ot to be like my bro...

u have no idea. how. .the feeling of ... couldnt even smile anymore feels like...
the only time u smile was when u're with customers , colleagues and frens. family. .seldom. cos alreyad at home mah.
so yea.
i feel terrible... =(
heart is so heavy...
and couldnt even lift up the slightest smile..
endure for another 4 more weeks and see how ba....
if things dont get better... .=/ i really ..have no ideas of how to hang on anymore.

the mask to hide everyday's pains.. is essential.. must be brave and forced to wear it everyday..

weird huh.. i didnt feel any better even by blogging it here... .

that night my colleague and her husband send me home.. .duno which night. anyway, supposed to drop me off at mrt. .in the end was surprised he drop me off at my block. which i sgreat.
many days later, lol. she ten tell me that. .her husband that night said i so pretty... later 11 plus pm go back home alone dangerous. aw.. how thoughtful is htat. really appreciated

in bro's pics,... seriously... japan... got sooo many ppl queuing soooo long fo rfood la.. .restaurant. .etc.... hy the hell singaporeans keep on shooting at oneself? hello? japan also k. sg queue up not often wat. japan queue up also here and there. seriously.. makes me realised how certain singaporeans love to dig themselves. other ppl could be worse k. omg. learn to be zhi zu.
as in.. enough is enough?

haiz.. .anwyay.. sighs. .k ba.. gtg... .
duno what to do.. .feel so sad..


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